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Open enrollment of presentations and participants to meet online EDUSOL 2008

a> center> P>

bin a> - EDUSOL a>, Economic Research Institute a> UNAM and the draft Research Psychoeducational a> the FES Iztacala, UNAM. The invitation to participate as speakers and participants from our " Fourth Encounter Online education and free software, EDUSOL 2008 b>" a> to be held from 10 to November 21, 2008 b> on that board as the general theme " Knowledge society and culture free b >". p>

EDUSOL The meeting is a call to systematize our educational experiences with free software, think around them and create innovative proposals that will enable us all to benefit from the collaborative construction of knowledge. p>

The official languages are Spanish and Portuguese, but lectoescritoras in English are welcome p>

call presentation, workshop or symposium on IRC tutorial online: h2>

are invited to teachers, researchers, free software developers and people interested in the education area to participate in the mode of presentation, workshop or tutorial symposium IRC. p>

information on the characteristics of the extensive / e2008/convocatoria/ponentes a> p>

October 15. Closure of receiving submissions in detail. P>

Participation as an assistant

: h2>

are invited those interested in discussing and collaborating on joint construction on the topic of education and free software. p>

Registration: a > a>

Closure of the register on November 2 p>

The meeting will be divided into online activities of work:
Wiki, desks online tutorials and workshops, discussions with experts and symposium on IRC sessions by videoconference, chat forums and general horizontal. P>

No fees h2>

The encounter online, requires support ... H2>

require assistance in various areas such as: Dissemination of the meeting, translation, graphic design, prototype development and technological support academic p>


forwarding this call or placing a banner a> on your personal page or group of users p>

You can find more information on volunteering at: e2008/voluntarios a>

More information on page of the encounter: a> p>