5 million breakfasts a day?

Our municipal (Coyoacán, Mexico City) government announces 5,147,000 breakfasts are served daily in the Coyoacán public schools.
Sounds great, doesn't it?
...Until you remember Coyoacán has only 628,000 inhabitants. I'd venture to say, 100,000 children in public schools can be a decent figure. So... Is the government forcing each child to eat 51 breakfasts a day?
Truth to be said: A week after the advertisement appeared, it was replaced by other, more believable figures: Over 5 million school uniforms given to the students for free. And now it mentions Distrito Federal, which contains Coyoacán - The total DF population is around 9 million people (from the ~25 million that live in the metropolitan area), say 3-4 million kids in school age, lets assume 2.5 million of them go to public schools. Two uniforms per kid. Sounds possible.