Doublespeak, prior judgement and Soviet tactics: IMPI (Instituto Mexicano de Propiedad Intelectual)

I just sent a letter to the very well-known national newspaper El Universal. At least I think I did, as their contact form is a sad excuse of unusability.
The reason I contacted them is the publication, over a week ago, of a note where they invite children to take part in a contest by IMPI towards fighting piracy. But not only they engage in doublespeak and prior judgement by further pushing the term piracy for an action that has nothing to do with it, they also expect children to denounce their parents and teachers if they engage in such a destructive activity. Think Josef Stalin for a while, and you will get the picture.
Anyway - This will not be the first letter sent on this topic, and I know most of my readers know and share my arguments. I am not translating it into English. But if you are a Spanish-speaker (or a Spanish-reader), you might find it interesting.
Please read my open letter to El Universal and to Jorge Amigo Castañeda, Director General del Instituto Mexicano de Propiedad Intelectual, and help me get it through to as much media as possible.
What is a pirate? Tired of being treated as a criminal for sharing music online? Digital Freedom