Se me habia pasado

Si mas backlog, que quieren se supone que estoy ocupado :P, el 22 de febrero desire2learn fue la primera victima de Black Board que logro obtener una patente sobre LMS (mas noticias via googlenews) hay más información en el blog de desire2learn sobre "la injuction" (tengo que ir al tumbaburros, ya que no estoy bien seguro que cosa es eso) que tienen en este momento para vender su sistema en USA. Por otro lado notas interesantes al respecto son:



Press release de BB donde por cierto dice que no planea demandar a nadie... mhhh.. mas bien revisando ese fue correo a los "clientes" actuales (cosa que en algun momento fuimos), el cual no puedo reproducir aqui... sin embargo estos recursos dan la misma visión:

BB Patente Pledge

FAQ de BB sobre el patent pledge, una parte digna de citar:

"My institution uses an Open Source Software Course Management System that also includes certain free proprietary software elements. Am I covered by this pledge?

Blackboard recognizes that Open Source Software may at times incorporate certain proprietary elements to enhance functionality within the software. Therefore, in addition to the pledge above, Blackboard hereby irrevocably agrees not to assert the listed U.S. patents, as well as all counterparts of these patents issued in other countries, against the following open source initiatives: Sakai, Moodle, ATutor, Bodington, Elgg, Lon-Capa, Claroline, Connexions, Dokeos, Learnloop, Interact, Segue, Whiteboard. Additionally, Blackboard hereby irrevocably agrees not to assert the listed U.S. patents, as well as all counterparts of these patents issued in other countries against any school, library or museum for the use of such Open Source Software Course Management System to the extent that it was acquired from such open source initiative.

Does this pledge apply to Course Management Systems that are developed in the future?

Yes. This pledge applies to all Course Management Systems regardless of the date of development, use or sale.

My institution uses an Open Source Software Course Management System (e.g., Sakai, Moodle), does this pledge apply to us?

Yes. To promote the use and development of Open Source Software, Blackboard agrees that it will not assert the listed patents against any institution using or providing Open Source Software.

My institution uses a Course Management System which is not Open Source Software (e.g., D2L). Does this pledge apply to us?

Suing an institution to enforce our patent would not be in Blackboard’s interest as it would generate intense dissatisfaction among Blackboard’s clients and potential clients. Blackboard has never sued a school, museum, or library and depends on the goodwill of the academic community for our survival. Having said this, Blackboard cannot promise never to sue a school, museum or library to enforce its patent without placing at risk critical rights and protections afforded under this patent. Specifically, nothing in this pledge or FAQ should be read as implicitly or expressly granting a license to practice any patented invention, and Blackboard reserves the right to sue any entity not otherwise covered by this pledge for inducing or contributing to such school’s infringement."

Reacciones para recopliar "prior art":

Moodle Online learning story

History of VLE en la Wikipedia (un esfuerzo para sistematizar este articulo surgio como un intento de demostrar que existe "prior art" y que por tanto no era patentable lo de BB.

En fin... algunos opinan que el moviento contra d2learn es como el "proof of concept", lo interesante sera ver que pasa con su competidor directo Moodle... personalmente nunca me gusto Blackboard, por eso comence a trabajar con Claroline y a ultimas fechas con Moodle.