[infografia] A Teacher’s Guide to Social Media by Online Colleges ... Leonard Cohen 1968 ... the Partisan ?

A Teacher’s Guide to Social Media

From: OnlineColleges.net

Hoy traemos a este espacio esta infografía que tiene como título [infografia]  A Teacher’s Guide to Social Media by Online Colleges .. y no se por qué me acordé de un tema de Leonard Cohen , de 1968 ... titulado Teachers ... ;-) .. aunque más bien, en #€spaña ,  estamos muy cerca de este otro tema clásico .. the Partisan  .. les allemends etaient chez moi ... je perdu femme et enfant ...

When they poured across the border
I was cautioned to surrender,
This I could not do;
I took my gun and vanished.
I have changed my name so often,
Ive lost my wife and children
But I have many friends,
And some of them are with me.
An old woman gave us shelter,
Kept us hidden in the garret,
Then the soldiers came;
She died without a whisper.
Les allemands etaient chez moi,
Ils me dirent, signe toi,
Mais je nai pas peur;
Jai repris mon arme.
Jai change cent fois de nom,
Jai perdu femme et enfants
Mais jai tant damis;
Jai la france entie`re.
Un vieil homme dans un grenier
Pour la nuit nous a cache,
Les allemands lont pris;
Il est mort sans surprise.

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Fuente: [ edudemic ]