ePIC 2012. ePortfolio & identity Conference. London, Julio.

Hoy traemos a este espacio a  ePIC 2012. ePortfolio & identity Conference.  London,  Julio.

Para los que no conozcan el evento os dejamos la información que nos presentan en su web, con una traducción de urgencia vía google traductor : 

10 ePortfolio Internacional y la identidad de la Conferencia (EPIC),
reúne a los responsables políticos, investigadores, profesores,
formadores, directores de recursos humanos y técnicos.
un evento temático que permite una exploración en profundidad y
variedad de los temas - y los resultados en los resultados reales.
eventos pasados ​​se han traducido en la creación de redes nacionales e
internacionales, la contribución a las políticas, la contribución a los
organismos de normalización, el establecimiento de alianzas con otras
comunidades en el campo de la identidad digital y las normas de recursos
humanos, proyectos transnacionales y de numerosas publicaciones.
2012, el 10 º Salón Internacional ePortfolio y la Conferencia de
Identidad se llevará a cabo en el Instituto de Estudios Turísticos,
Savoy Place, Londres, Reino Unido, 09.10.11 julio de 2012.
Está organizado por la Internet de los temas del foro (IOSF).
Más de 9 años, más de 2.000 delegados de 47 países, han contribuido a la reflexión sobre ePortfolio e identidad. Muchos
delegados eran de un fondo de educación y formación, también hubo una
nutrida representación de las autoridades públicas.
los proveedores de e-Learning, las grandes organizaciones, asociaciones y redes de PYME.
2003, las conferencias internacionales organizadas por ePortfolio EIFEL
han establecido una sólida trayectoria como foro principal para la
conexión de los profesionales, investigadores, tecnólogos y diseñadores
de políticas en la exploración de la identidad y las prácticas de
ePortfolio y tecnologías.
Es apreciado por su capacidad para explorar temas de actualidad, mientras que lidera el camino hacia futuros posibles.
2003, durante la primera conferencia internacional ePortfolio, los
participantes fueron invitados a trabajar en pro de un objetivo
ambicioso: "el año 2010 cada ciudadano tendrá un ePortfolio",
ePortfolios ser uno de los medios para la construcción de la identidad
2010, cientos de millones de personas han optado por establecer algún
tipo de identidad digital de la explotación de las redes sociales en
lugar de plataformas ePortfolio.
hecho de que los proveedores de la mayoría de ePortfolio se han quedado
fuera de la red social / revolución de la identidad, dice,
probablemente, tanto sobre el estado actual de la educación formal (cf
los últimos resultados de PISA), su capacidad de abrazar la tecnología
innovadora y práctica, como sobre la capacidad de las instituciones
para aprovechar plenamente el poder de la tecnología más allá de los
límites institucionales, no comenzó a Facebook como un servicio a los
estudiantes, por los estudiantes?
2010, la 8 ª Conferencia Internacional ePortfolio fue co-organizado con
la Internet de los sujetos (IOS) en el foro, para explorar el poder
transformador de una Internet centrada en la identidad de aprender,
trabajar y hacer negocios.
los problemas de identidad digital se abordaron desde la primera
Conferencia Internacional ePortfolio, se hizo evidente durante este
último evento que el futuro de ePortfolios y de las identidades está
profundamente entrelazado, por lo que es una prioridad para conectar el
mundo de la educación y ePortfolio con el mundo de los negocios y
identidad así como la de las redes sociales.
es la razón, por su 9 ª edición, hemos decidido rebautizar la
Conferencia Internacional del ePortfolio como EPIC, que significa
ePortfolio y la Conferencia de identidad.
2012 será el segundo el nombre y la décima de una serie de exitosos eventos internacionales.

Aquí os dejamos, también,  el programa del encuentro ... 

ePIC 2012


Date: Monday, 09/Jul/2012

Registration and welcome coffee
Location: Riverside Room
S11A: Reflections on Mobile Devices Workshop (1)
Location: Thompson Room
Using "Free" Online Tools for ePortfolio Development
Helen Barrett
Independent consultant, United States of America
S11B: Workshop: in Search of the Open ePortfolio
Location: Mountbatten Room
Chair: Don Presant
In Search of the Open ePortfolio - Workshop
Don Presant
Learning Agents, Canada
S11C: Open session
Location: Riverside Room
Coffee Break
Location: Riverside Room
P1: Opening Plenary Session
Location: Council Chamber
Chair: John Harrison
Dana Bostrom, Association of American Medical Colleges, United States of America: PESC's Progress in electronic portfolio standards

Doug Belshaw, Mozilla Foundation, Open Badges

Jonathan Dempsey, Digitary- Authentication of Academic Achievement Online

Location: Riverside Room
tables are meeting points for delegates desiring to address a specific
issue. Suggest a theme and join a theme using the panel situtated next
to the registration desk.
S12A: Reflections on Mobile Devices Workshop (2)
Location: Thompson Room
mPortfolios: Supporting Reflection using Mobile Devices
Helen Barrett
Independent consultant, United States of America
S12B: Open Badges Workshop (1)
Location: Mountbatten Room
Chair: Carla Casilli
Introducing Open Badges
Carla Casilli
Mozilla Foundation, United States of America
S12C: Workshop
Location: Nuffield Room
Chair: Cyri Jones
Exploring the Intersection of e-Portfolios,
Social Learning Networks and Mobile Devices to Support Deep Learning and
Transitions from Classroom to Practice
Cyri Jones
Capilano University and Zen Portfolio Networks
Coffee Break
Location: Riverside Room
S13A: Reflections on Mobile Devices Workshop (3)
Location: Thompson Room
Tell your Story in Digital Video created with mobile devices
Helen Barrett
Independent consultant, United States of America
S13B: Open Badges Workshop (2)
Location: Mountbatten Room
Chair: Serge Ravet
Open Badges Competition
Carla Casilli
Mozilla Foundation, United States of America

Open Badges and Mahara ePortfolios
Richard Wyles
Totara Learning Solutions Ltd, New Zealand
S13C: Pebblepad Workshop
Location: Nuffield Room
Chair: Colin Dalziel
Effective Assessment of Portfolio Activities.
Colin Dalziel
Pebble Learning, United Kingdom
S14A: Open Session
Location: Riverside Room
S14B: In Search of the Open ePortfolio: panel and group discussion
Location: Council Chamber
Chair: Don Presant
In Search of the Open ePortfolio - Expert Panel and Plenary Discussion
Don Presant
Learning Agents, Canada


Date: Tuesday, 10/Jul/2012

Registration and welcome coffee
Location: Riverside Room
S21A: Healthcare track
Location: Council Chamber
Chair: Suzanne Gough
Fitness to practice, Shipman and evaluating the role of ePortfolios
Lola Loewenthal
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, United Kingdom

An eportfolio connector for US & Canadian trainees
Dana Bostrom
Association of American Medical Colleges, United States of America

Sites ePortfolio for integrative learning and holistic development of
trainee Operating Department Practitioners: an examination of conscience
Barbara Anne Nicolls, Shane Roadnight, James Ellis
Buckinghamshire New University, United Kingdom
S21B: Identity construction
Location: Thompson Room
Chair: Bruno Kappes
Reflecting on a Predicament of Professional Identity
Carolyn Harkness
Australian Catholic University, Australia

Implications of identity negotiation research for the design of the TRAILER e-portfolio
José Janssen, Adriana J. Berlanga, Peter Sloep
Open Universiteit Nederland, Netherlands, The

Gender Differences in ePortfolio Use in Higher Education
Ilona Buchem
Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Germany

Constructing Digital Myself: Authenticity, Folio Thinking, and the Representation of Self
Janice Ann Smith1, Shoji Kajita2
1: Three Canoes LLC, United States of America;
2: Kyoto University, Japan
S21C: Implementation
Location: Mountbatten Room
Research Towards e-Portfolios In The Work Place: Regional Initiatives
Ronald Lievens, Charissa Freese, Ton Wilthagen
ReflecT, Tilburg University, Netherlands, The

From bottom-up to top-down: ploughing a middle furrow through the institution
Sandra Winfield, Kirstie Coolin, Mike Leam
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Technical and pedagogical feedback on the deployment of a regional ePortfolio. Models of the uses, analysis and perspectives
Samuel Nowakowski, Nathalie Issenmann, Isabelle Houot, Armelle Brun
Université de Lorraine, France

ePortfolios in companies
Dries Pruis, Lex Polman
Kenteq, The Netherlands
S21D: Teacher Education
Location: Nuffield Room
Chair: Thomas Strasser
E-Portfolios in Initial Teacher Education in Singapore: A Peek into the Artefacts
Stefanie Chye, Mingming Zhou, Woon Chia Liu, Caroline Koh
National Institute of Education, Singapore

How do trainee teachers use e-portfolios?
Jeanette Marie Mills
University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

Liliana Barro Zecker
DePaul University, United States of America

and implementation of an ePortafolio learning strategy aimed at
teachers training: making sense of the process of learning
Andrea Ximena Castaño Sánchez, José Miguel Jimenez, Ángel Pío González-Soto
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
S21E: JISC Workshop
Location: Riverside Room
Chair: Lisa Gray
Using the JISC e-Portfolio Implementation Toolkit: Making implementation work
Gordon Joyes1, Lisa Gray2, Ros Smith3
1: University of Nottingham, United Kingdom;
2: Joint Information Systems Committee, JISC;
3: GPI Solutions
Coffee Break
Location: Riverside Room
P2: Plenary Session
Location: Council Chamber
Diana Laurillard Education as a Design Science

Barrie Hopson Helping People Become Architects of their Own Future

Gillie Bolton  Reflective Writing for Reflective Practitioners

Location: Riverside Room

Thematic tables are meeting points for delegates desiring to address a
specific issue. Suggest a theme and join a theme using the panel
situtated next to the registration desk.

S22A: Healthcare track
Location: Council Chamber
Championing CPD for New Graduates
Paul Askew
Chartered Society of Physiotherpy, United Kingdom

Benefits of eFolio Thinking Across Several University eLearning Psychology Courses
Bruno Kappes
University of Alaska Anchorage, United States of America

MAINPORT: an ePortfolio supporting the CPD and Lifelong Learning of Specialist Physicians
Jennifer Gordon, Craig Campbell, Sandra Canniff
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Canada

CPD Syd and Ms Peg: using virtual identities to support learning and development in physiotherapy
Gwyneth Owen, Nina Paterson
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, United Kingdom
S22B: Eportfolios Beyond Institutions
Location: Mountbatten Room
Chair: Agnieszka Chrząszcz
Into the Void: Change as a Catalyst, presenting new opportunities to embed ePortfolios into Community and Lifelong Learning
Kirstie Coolin
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Exploring the issues of person centric portfolios beyond the institution and across multiple institutions and frameworks.
David Sowden
University of Hull, United Kingdom

Social Capital: Determining a Student’s e-portfolio Net Worth
Cindy P. Stevens, Michael Dunlop
Wentworth Institute of Technology, United States of America

Portfolio information: personally or institutionally managed?
Simon Grant
University of Bolton, United Kingdom
S22C: Implementation
Location: Nuffield Room
Chair: Samuel Nowakowski
On personal web log publication tool under IMS e-Portfolio standard
Kuo-Chun Hsu1, Cheng-Han Kuo2
1: Kun Shan University, Taiwan, Republic of China;
2: Kun Shan University, Taiwan, Republic of China

A Moveable Feast: Narratively deconstructing the transition of paper riches to the ether
Dianne Conrad
Athabasca University, Canada

Learning from the Open: Web 3.0 Eportfolios
Lori L. Hager1, Joseph Ugoretz2
1: University of Oregon;
2: City University of New York

The Cloud and ePortfolio as a Driver for Dynamic Learning Enviornments
Thomas Kirkham
University of Leeds, United Kingdom
S22D: Parallel session
Location: Thompson Room
A 4-phase-model for the longterm use of E-Portfolios
Klaus Himpsl-Gutermann
Danube University Krems, Austria

Using the ePortfolio as a tool for student retention in postsecondary education
Louise Sauve
Télé-université / SAVIE, Canada

e-Portfolio: DIY for your professional development
Agnieszka Chrząszcz1, Alessandro Nistico2, Marek Snapka3, Karolina Grodecka4
1: AGH-University of Science and Technology, Poland;
2: Euridea, Italy;
3: RPIC VIP, Czech Republic;
4: AGH-University of Science and Technology, Poland

A model for embedding reflective learning in ePortfolios in higher education
Mary Ryan, Michael Ryan
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
S22E: Open Badges Workshop (3)
Location: Riverside Room
Chair: Carla Casilli
Open Badges Clinique
Carla Casilli
Mozilla Foundation, United States of America
Coffee Break
Location: Riverside Room
S23A: Healthcare track (Workshop)
Location: Council Chamber
Chair: Jennifer Gordon
Putting the Patient at The Heart of Physiotherapy
Student Education: Supporting Development and Life Long Learning Using
Claire Hamshire, Deborah O'Connor
Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Supporting Healthcare Workforce Development Using Simulation and ePortfolios
Suzanne Gough, Claire Hamshire, Deborah O'Connor
Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
S23B: Parallel session
Location: Thompson Room
ePortfolio as a tool for reflexivity and skills’ communication: learn how to communicate skills
Gilles Merminod
University of Lausanne, Switzerland

"It's your spell-checked version of yourself": Student perceptions around (re)presenting self through eportfolio.
Lyn Lewis, Philippa Gerbic
AUT University, New Zealand

Developments of Social Recognition System by e-Portfolio and e-Passport to Promote Social Participation
Yoshihiro Tatsuta1, Junichi Yamanishi2, Tomio Saku3
1: National Institute for Educational policy of Japan(NIER), Japan;
2: University of Toyama;
3: Civic Learning Community by Internet
S23C: Implementation
Location: Mountbatten Room
Chair: Ronald Lievens
An Implementation of a learning portfolio
Ryuichi Matsuba1, Shin-Ichiro Kubota1, Makoto Miyazaki1,2, Junko Nemoto1, Toshihiro Kita1, Katsuaki Suzuki1, Hiroshi Nakano1
1: Kumamoto University, Japan;
2: Hosei University,Japan

Mighty Mahara!? The role of self-organized learning within the context of Mahara ePortfolio.
Thomas Strasser1, Gabriele Kulhanek-Wehlend1, Harald Knecht2
1: Vienna University of Education, Austria;
2: Mighty Mahara!? The role of self-organized learning within the context of Mahara ePortfolio.

UK DARE (Digital Academic Records Exchange): A Service for Secure Authentication of Academic Achievement Online
Jonathan Patrick Dempsey
Digitary, Ireland
S23D: Assessment
Location: Nuffield Room
Using graphic rubrics to image learning: A new tool in assessing lifelong learning
Laura Reynolds-Keefer
University of Michigan-Dearborn, United States of America

ePortfolios and Assessment: Design for an Authentic Program Evaluation
Judith Simons Gold
Marygrove College, United States of America

Collecting, Selecting and Reflecting –Supporting student judgements in the portfolio process?
Romy J Lawson, Darrall G Thompson
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
S23E: Networked Identities (1/2)
Location: Riverside Room
Chair: Serge Ravet
The objective of this session is to set-up the framework of the open textbook Networked Identities. After
an introduction of the abstracts received to date, we organise the
discussion of the different topics of the book in small groups.
S24A: The French Challenge
Location: Council Chamber
Chair: Serge Ravet
this session, the French Ministry for Higher Education and
Research will present a White Paper on ePortfolio in Higher Education to
a panel of experts. Participants are invited to join the session to
contribute with their experience and ideas to the implementation of
ePortfolios into the French Higher Education System.

Ten Keys Ideas for ePortfolio Implementation in Higher Education
Jean Heutte
Mission numérique pour l'enseignement supérieur (MINES), Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, France
S24B: Open session
Location: Thompson Room
S24C: Open session
Location: Mountbatten Room
S24D: Open session
Location: Nuffield Room
S24E: Networked Identities (2/2)
Location: Riverside Room
Chair: Ilona Buchem
Continuation of session S23E
8:00pm Social Dinner
Would you like a taste of London lifestyle? Join us during the Social Dinner/Party Tuesday 10 July, with live Jazz group.


Date: Wednesday, 11/Jul/2012

Registration and welcome coffee
Location: Riverside Room
S31A: Healthcare track
Location: Council Chamber
ePortfolio & learning styles in Nursing Education
Kirsten Nielsen1, Niels Henrik Helms2, Birthe D. Pedersen3
1: University of Southern Denmark/VIA University College, Denmark;
2: Knowledgelab, University of Southern Denmark;
3: Research Unit of Nursing, Institute of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark

Tracking progress in construction of subject knowledge and epistemological beliefs using Patchwork Text Assessments
University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
S31B: Self-Directed Learning
Location: Thompson Room
Chair: Dianne Conrad
Self-directed learning in ePortfolio: a survey of voluntary student-formed groups at one institution
Gillian Beth Colclough, Michael Sankey
University of Southern Queensland, Australia

ePortfolio for Developing Students' Autonomy and Responsibility
Olga Smolyaninova, Ludmila Smolyaninova
Siberian Federal University, Russian Federation

portfolio system that facilitates student’s self-regulation by showing
learning goal and educational intention embedded into research activity
Tomohiro Nabeta1,2, Taisuke Ogawa1, Mitsuru Ikeda1,2
1: Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan;
2: Center for Graduate Education Initiative

European Language Portfolio - Adult Learner’s Mean of Technologically
Assisted Self-Directed English Acquisition: Transformation of Learner’s
Ināra Bojāre
Daugavpils University, Latvia
S31C: Assessment
Location: Mountbatten Room
Chair: Carolyn Harkness
Assessing existing skills and knowledge through eportfolios
Allison Miller
Vanguard Visions Consulting, Australia

– Portfolio International Profile in Engineering“ – General and
specific challenges of introducing ePortfolios for assessment and
accreditation in didactic-remote disciplines
Katharina Kilian-Yasin, Franziska Mueller
Pforzheim University, Germany

Collecting, Selecting and Reflecting – Supporting student judgements in the portfolio process?
Romy J Lawson1, Darrall G Thompson2
1: James Cook University, Australia;
2: University of Technology Sydney, Australia
S31D: Parallel session
Location: Nuffield Room
folia -ePortfolios for designing your informal and formal learning experiences-
Atsushi Inutsuka, Satoshi Yamawaki, Yasutaka Kageyama
Castalia Co. Ltd., Japan

Mahara in secondary school. The introduction of an ePortfolio to foster oral skills and socialization
Lorella Giannandrea, Marilena Sansoni
University of Macerata, Italy

Can We Assess, Visualize and Scaffold Informal Language Learning? A
case of informal English learning among Japanese college students
Yoshikazu Ishibashi
Yamagata University, Japan

An ePortfolio as a general learning tool
Beat Keller, Dominik Fankhauser
Bildungszentrum Gesundheit und Soziales, Switzerland
Coffee Break
Location: Riverside Room
P3: Plenary Session
Eportfolio futures

A round table with Richard Wyles (Mahara, New Zealand), Shane
Sutherland (PebblePad, UK), Allison Miller (Vanguard Visions Consulting,
Australia), Lisa Gray (JISC, UK), Carla Casilli (Mozilla, Open Badges,
USA), Serge Ravet, Europortfolio, (France).

Location: Riverside Room

Thematic tables are meeting points for delegates desiring to address a
specific issue. Suggest a theme and join a theme using the panel
situtated next to the registration desk.

S32A: Parallel session
Location: Council Chamber
Learning Scenarios with Integrated ePortfolios. EPortfolios are nice to have but do cause inconvenience…
Stefanie Karin Brunner, Birte Heidkamp, Petra Muckel
University of Oldenburg, Germany

Flexible use of eportfolios – from dissertations to volunteering
Robert Chmielewski
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

An Integrated ePortfolio Plan for a Large Research University
Jeffrey D. Keith, Danny R. Olsen, Tom Mallory, Kirsten Thompson, Tonya Tripp, Nathan Walton, Richard Swan
Brigham Young University, United States of America
S32B: Parallel session
Location: Thompson Room
VAB: an ePortfolio used to record and assess competences of adult students
Achilles Kameas, Konstantina Polymeropoulou, Anthi Karatrantou, Konstantinos Togias
e-CoMeT Lab, Hellenic Open University, Greece

Issues In Relation to the Declaration of Skills Through the ePortfolios
Laurence Puissant Grosjean
LISEC, France

Competence Based Assessment Considerations within ePortfolio System
Aleksandrs Gorbunovs, Atis Kapenieks, Ieva Kudina
Riga Technical University, Latvia
S32C: Parallel session
Location: Mountbatten Room
Mapped: your professional development with e-portfolio
Agnieszka Chrząszcz
AGH-University of Science and Technology, Poland
S32D: Open Badges
Location: Nuffield Room
During this session we will discuss future plans for the take-up of Open Badges.

Coffee Break
Location: Riverside Room
P4: Closing Plenary Session
Panel and plenary discussion to review the conference outcomes and plan future actions.

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