#eLearning Africa 2012 Report shows ICTs are transforming African education

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The eLearning Africa 2012 ReportFree Download   

For more than a decade eLearning has promised a revolution in African education. The
opportunity of mass access to world-class learning resources without the barriers of distance
or cost has excited educationalists, politicians and learners alike. But has eLearning lived up
to this promise? What do African eLearning professionals, practitioners, policymakers,
business leaders and teachers think about this? What technologies do they use and which
world views inform their work?
For the first time ever, the perspectives of eLearning professionals and a range of other
stakeholders across 41 different countries on the Continent are reflected in this ground-breaking
new publication from eLearning Africa.

Discover inside The eLearning Africa 2012 Report:

  • What are the most popular eLearning technologies in Africa?
  • How is technology changing the way that African learners learn?
  • What will be the defining eLearning issues for Africa over the next five years?

Key findings from The eLearning Africa 2012 Survey:

  • The number one factor constraining the African eLearning sector - lack of bandwidth
  • The top consideration for African organisations - access to appropriate content
  • The most important change agent - the government
  • The top motivation for using ICT - to improve the quality of teaching
48% use mobile phones in education
36% use shared resource computing in education
74% use ICT for classroom teaching and learning
The eLearning Africa 2012 Report is a collaborative endeavour to enrich the conversation on
ICT-enhanced learning and training in Africa. It seeks to inform and inspire, providing thought
leadership and shaping policy and practice across the Continent.
Please contact us at report@elearning-africa.com if you would like to be sent a copy of the full Report.

Download the Report here. 

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Fuente: [eLearning Africa]