HolaIO & Holadesk de Holalabs ... diseñando #mlearning

Hoy traemos a este espacio a holalabs una empresa de unos emprendedores de 16 años ... que nos hace pensar, y mucho en aprendizaje, formación creatividad , y de como en las fábricas de aburrimiento y dejadez de la #higherED ...están bien lejos del presente ... por no hablar del futuro ...  Concretamente os traemos su HolaIO  & HolaDesk ... ellos son, y se presentan así
Holalabs is a startup created in February 2012 by young people with
great ideas to develop awesome products that improve everyday life.

Our values:

  • We follow the Free Software way, which is very important in how Holalabs works.
  • And not just Free Software, it’s Free Culture in general. We think and know there’s another way to see life.
  • We focus our work strongly around the community (both local and global) and we want to give back as much as possible.
  • Our products will be open sourced and our business model is based on selling services and support.
  • We have a user centric system in which the most valued people are our users.
  • The user isn’t stupid. If they don’t know how to use our products, then we need to improve them
  • The UI (User Interface) and UX (User experience) of our products are as important as the functionalities.
  • We are as transparent and open as possible. We want everyone to know everything that happens at Holalabs.

Meet the team:
Luis Iván Cuende
CoFounder of Holalabs and Founder of Asturix.
He got first place in HackNow 2011 and he was finalist at several Campus Party.
Free software lover and great web developer, both backend and frontend and has a lot of experience in low level development.

Alberto Elías
CoFounder of Holalabs and organizer of Murcia GTUG He’s and Android and Web developer with experience in backend and frontend web development. Developer of A++genda for Android and also a big fan of Free Software.

Say hola to holalabs 

We’re going to change the way you use the Internet and mobile devices.

We’re helping to improve the world with:


Holadesk is the ideal vision of what a desktop should be. It’s your desktop meet the cloud! Simple. Fast. And it just works!

  • Distributed, access your desktop anywhere. And because it’s distributed, you won’t need an Internet connection to use holadesk.
  • Apps platform. A great web apps platform that run on holadesk!
  • It’s social! Share things right from your desktop!
  • With a great user experience.
  • It’ll work on all platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS…

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HolaIO is the definite service for reusing Internet content into your
application. Why do you need to create the same content for your web
and for each mobile platform? You won’t need to duplicate content again!

  • Blazing fast. Because apps should be fast.
  • Save money and time!
  • Easy to use. You’ll be able to get web content with 1 line of code.
  • Multiplatform. Create apps for iOS and Android with holaIO

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