#da12 #da12converge . Digital Agenda Assembly 2012. ... connect, discuss...

 Hoy traemos a este espacio la Digital Agenda Assembly. Connect, discuss and collaborate on the digital Agenda for Europe ... yo ya me registré .. veremos pa qué ... pero que eso qué es? ...

This is an online space for discussion and peer-to-peer collaboration to prepare the Digital Agenda Assembly 2012 ("DAA12"), on 21-22 June in Brussels, as well as the review of the Digital Agenda for Europe ("DAE"), planned for adoption in October. Such a space was the most requested feature in the feedback to the Assembly 2011.
In this platform there are 10 discussion groups
on key DAE topics, most of which correspond to workshops that will be
held at DAA12 (groups 1 to 8) plus 2 other ones (groups 9 and "other
issues"). Each discussion is animated by a moderator and has a dedicated

How can YOU participate?

In this platform, you join the group(s) that you are interested
in and react to the questions from the moderator or you raise other
issues yourself.
In other forums (Youtube, Flickr, Slideshare,
Wordpress, Twitter, etc), you post contributions using the relevant
"tag" so the contributions can be aggregated in the "tagosphere" section
of each discussion group in this platform.

Why contributing, what will that change?

There are at least four reasons for all those interested in the DAE to contribute:
1. Make your input visible: the results of the online debate will
be regularly reported, on this platform and otherwise by the European
Commission. The moderators will identify the most valuable contributions
indicating who made them unless the person doesn't want to.
2. Contribute to DAA12: the main results of the online debate
will be presented and discussing at DAA12. Not every one interested will
be able to attend physically DAA12 in June, also because the places are
limited, but every one has the possibility to participate to DAA12
through their online contributions. And all those attending DAA12 are
strongly encouraged to also contribute online to ensure a fruitful
meeting in June.
3. Attend DAA12: persons providing contributions with the most
added value will be invited to attend the DAA12 in Brussels, if they
wish so and were not already invited by the European Commission. Each
moderator will have up to 5 DAA12 places to grant by 30 May 2012.
4. Contribute to the DAE review: the main results from these
online discussions on key DAE topics will also feed the review of the
DAE, which the European Commission is currently preparing and plans to
adopt in October 2012, also drawing on the feedback received at the
DAA12 in June. For this reasons, European officials responsible for the
DAE will participate in this platform and interact with other people
interested in the DAE.

About us This platform is a
temporary online space that complements the DAE official website,
containing much information on the DAE (managed by the
Directorate-General "Information Society and Media" of the European
Commission) as well as other European Commission efforts to promote and
implement the DAE.
The site is managed and maintained by P.A.U. Education and Tech4i2 as European Commission contractor on this project.

Tenéis 10 grupos

(leer más...)

Fuente: [daa.ec.europa.eu ]