Call for Papers: 1st Moodle Research Conference

14th and 15th of September 2012
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
The Moodle Scientific Conference will become a major event for academics, researchers, experts and practitioners -sharingexperiences, research achievements and innovative developmentswithMoodle.It is a unique opportunity to participate in an event dedicated to research and development (R&D) on learning and teaching carried out with Moodle. The conference will provide opportunities for sharing, discussing and providing constructive criticism of research outcomes and methods.
The conference venue is a beautiful location in the historic island of Crete, Greece. Participants will have opportunities to connect with peers and learn about new Moodle R&D trends and debate research ideas that could improve the design of Moodle in the future.
We invite scientists and practitioners to submit manuscripts (full papers or posters) critically reporting on quantitative and qualitative research results concerning learning with Moodle.
Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments on the following topics:
• Research studies and case studies on teaching with Moodle
• Mobile Learning with Moodle
• Innovative Moodle plugins
• Learning Analytics in Moodle
• Collaborative Learning with Moodle
• Moodle communities of practice
• Interoperability with Moodle
• Accessibility in Moodle
• Adaptivity in Moodle
Paper submission guidelines
Prospective authors are invited to submit
 Research papers - of up to 8 pages, including figures and references
 Posters and research in progress that should be up to 1000 words in length.
Submission will be made bythe conference management system EasyChairconference management system. All submissions will undergo a blind peer review process involving two program committee members.
Accepted papers will be published as conference proceedings (with ISBN) in an open access, online-only version. The proceedings will be available online approximately one month prior to the conference opening
Important Dates
14May 2012: Submission of manuscripts
11June 2012: Notification of acceptance
9July 2012: Submission of final copy of accepted papers
16July 2012: Early Bird Deadline
14th and 15th September 2012: MoodleSco2012 Conference
More Info
Conference Secretariat: Mrs Constantina Georga. Email: info[at]
Etiquetas: Moodleinvestigaciónplaneta linux