#EDULearn12 . International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Barcelona

Hoy traemos a este espacio al Call for Papers del EDULearn12 . International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies que se celebrará en Barcelona que organiza el IATED...

EDULEARN12, the 4th annual International Conference
on Education and New Learning Technologies will be held in Barcelona
(Spain), on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of July, 2012.
This conference will be held at international level. The attendance
of more than 700 delegates from 75 different countries is expected.
EDULEARN12 is an International Forum for those who
wish to present their projects and discuss the latest innovations and
results in the field of New Technologies in Education, E-learning and methodologies applied to Education and Research.
We invite you to submit your abstracts and to contribute to EDULEARN12
(in person or virtually) in order to share your results and
experiences in Education, Research and learning/teaching technology. The
deadline for abstracts submission is 29th of March 2012.
Two ISBN publications will be produced with all the accepted
abstracts and papers. They will serve as a database of innovation
projects in Education and New Learning Technologies.
In addition to the technical issues of the conference programme, our website provides you with tourist information on the city of Barcelona,
unique for its cultural, artistic and historical richness, lovely
surroundings and nice beaches of the well-known “Costa Brava”.
We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona!

The Organising Committee.

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: March 29th, 2012 (included) (*)
  • Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: April 20th, 2012
  • Final Paper Submission Deadline: May 17th, 2012 (included) (*)

(*) By midnight - 23:59 Los Angeles Time Zone 

Types of contributions:

You can present your projects in three modalities: in person (either oral or poster presentation) or virtually (not attending authors).

Attending in person. Oral presentation:

Each presentation will last 15 minutes and will be presented in
parallel thematic sessions. You will be informed about the reference of
your session and the time of your presentation about 4 weeks before
the event. If you have any personal restriction to present your paper
in a specific date, please send us an email with your request as soon as possible.

Attending in person. Poster presentation:

Your poster will be exhibited during the conference poster session.
Poster sessions will provide an opportunity for authors to display the
results and conclusions of their papers. Authors are offered to
present their works face to face to individuals and small groups.

Not-attending. Virtual presentation:

If you wish your paper to be published in EDULEARN12 Publications, but you are not able to attend EDULEARN12 Conference
in person, you can register for a “virtual presentation”. Registered
virtual authors will receive a copy of the EDULEARN12 Abstracts CD,
EDULEARN12 Proceedings CD, a participation and author certificate
and an invoice of the registration fee.
Please find all the information about the virtual participation here. 



Experiences in Education
Educational Trends and Best Practice Contributions
Enhancing Learning and the Undergraduate Experience
Learning Experiences in Primary and Secondary School
Learning Experiences in Higher and Further Education
Vocational Training
Lifelong Learning
Workplace Training
Transferring Skills and Disciplines
Curriculum Design and Development
Quality Assurance/Standards and Accreditation
European Higher Education Area: The Bologna Declaration and ECTS Experiences
Educational Management
Educational and Training Staff
Pre-service Teacher Experiences
Pedagogical Innovations in Education
Learning and Teaching Methodologies
Evaluation and Assessment of Student Learning
New Learning/Teaching Models
Language Learning Innovations
Collaborative and Problem-based Learning
Tutoring and Coaching
Experiences in Research
Academic Research Projects
Research Methodologies
Links between Education and Research
New projects and Innovations
University-Industry Cooperation
International Projects
New Experiences for the International Cooperation
Project Outcomes and Conclusions
University Networks
Exchange Programmes and Erasmus Experiences
The Internationalization of Universities
General Issues
Education and Globalization
Impact of Education on Development
Planning Digital-Age School
Organizational, Legal, Policy and Financial Issues
Barriers to Learning (age, psychosocial factors, ethnicity...)
Access to Internet: Advances and Problems
Diversity Issues, Women and Minorities
Student Support in Education
Funding Education

Technology in education

e-learning Projects and Experiences
Blended Learning
Mobile Learning
Training, Evaluation and Assessment
Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)
Managed Learning Environments (MLEs)
Learning Management Systems (LMS)
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)
Online/Virtual Laboratories
eLearning Standards (SCORM)
Virtual Universities
Online Assessment
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Tools
Ethical Issues in e-Learning
Educating the Educators
e-Learning for environmental sustainability
Community Building
Computer Supported Collaborative Work
Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs)
Web 2.0 and Social Networking: Blogs, Wikis, …
Web 3D Applications and Virtual Reality
The Impact of Web Technologies in Education
Emerging Technologies in Education

Technology-Enhanced Learning
Advanced Classroom Technology
Web Classroom Applications
Mobile/Wireless Technologies (PDA, SmartPhones, etc)
Emerging Technologies in Education. Touch and Multisensory Technologies
ICT Skills Education
ICT for Development
1:1 Learning

Educational Software & Serious Games
Computer Software on Education
Educational/Serious Games
Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
Animation and 3D Systems
Gaming Consoles as Learning Tools
Educational Software Experiences
Videos for Learning (YouTube Generation)
E-content Management and Development

Knowledge Management
Digital Libraries and Repositories
Intellectual Property Rights and Plagiarism
User-Generated Content
Security and Data Protection

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 Fuente: [ edulearn12]