Blended Collaborative Constructive Participation (BCCP): A model for teaching in higher education. Ligorio & Cucchiara

Hace mucho que no traemos un artículo concreto para la lectura... aquí tenéis el siguiente de Maria Beatrice Ligorio, Stefania Cucchiara publicado en elearningpapers ... titulado:
Blended Collaborative Constructive Participation (BCCP): A model for teaching in higher education 

Maria Beatrice Ligorio's picture
Maria Beatrice Ligorio
Associate Professor (University of Bari )

Maria Beatrice Ligorio
is Associate Professor at the University of Bari (Italy). She graduated
in Psychology at the University of Rome in the 1987 and she received
her PhD in Psychology of Communication at the University of Bari in the
In the 1993 she was a NATO fellow at the University of Berkeley (CA). 

Stefania Cucchiara

Assegnista di Ricerca presso Università degli Studi di Bari



The Blended Collaborative Constructive Participation (BCCP) model is a university
teaching model built upon six years of experimentation.
Through a flexible structure and a set of six types of activities, the aim of this model
is to put into practice a series of already well-established pedagogical principles, such
as the Community of Learners, the Community of Practice, the socio-constructivist dimension,
the dialogical perspective, and knowledge building.
A three-level system is presented as an assessment tool for web-forum discussions, organized
around the contents of the course. This system is meant to be used by teachers
and by students to monitor and support the evolution of the discussion.

1. Introduction 
Many universities have already experimented various distance learning, blended learning or
network learning solutions. Even traditional universities are in the process of softening their
resistance to such solutions (Cahill, 2011). Volery and Lord (2000) warn that if universities
do not adopt e-learning, they will be left behind and they will lose ground to other types of
educational providers. In general, there is a growing interest from universities in understanding
advantages, costs, and conditions of introducing e-learning as part of their educational
provision to students.
Many factors are recognized as critical for successfully delivering e-learning. O’Neil, Singh,
and O’Donoghue (2004) distinguish structural issues, students’ learning strategies, and instructors
and teaching style. These factors are surely interconnected but each of them needs
a careful and specific design.
Many authors have indicated the innovation of teaching models as a crucial aspect (Waks,
2007). Calls for a new teaching pedagogy, that is capable of fruitfully exploiting the potentialities
of technology, can be found in almost all the research dealing with e-learning in higher
education (McFadzean, 2001). Nevertheless, clear and detailed indications about how to
change such a teaching model and how the innovative teaching model should be, are lacking.
In this paper, we propose a model for university blended teaching where structure and activities
are clearly described. The model has been developed during six years of experimentation
funded by the Italian Ministry of Research. The starting point of the model was the transformation
of strong theoretical ideas into practices that are suitable for a blended context.
Results of each year of experimentation were implemented the following year, therefore the
model we now present has a strong empirical basis. In the following section we will briefly
present the theoretical background inspiring the model.(leer más...pdf, 9 pp.)


Fuente: [elearningpapers]