Siqur, video juego sobre seguridad laboral gana premio serious games Bilbao

Hoy traemos a este espacio a Siqur , que ha sido Ganador mejor 'serious game' europeo en SIMULACIÓN Proyecto europeo Siqur: Una plataforma que combina última tecnología en simulaciones inmersivas en 3 dimensiones y un aprendizaje social con investigación pionera en las ciencias de la formación José Antonio Tejedor, ESTAMBRIL SIQUR PROJECT SL Barcelona

What is Siqur™

Siqur is...

The latest industrial learning solution (that could change the dynamics of learning) to optimize training investment, engage people and accelerate visible results. It combines the latest technology of 3D immersive simulation and social learning with cutting edge research in learning science.

The learning part of SIQUR combines the effectiveness of the immersive learning experience (learning by doing) with a simultaneous evaluation debriefing, tracking individually the different evolution levels of the expected behavioral evolution.

The users can experiment in real time the consequences of their acts, in a familiar scenario or environment, increasing their exercise identification, motivation and interest, impacting not just what they know, but really what they do. It also emphasize the collaborative dimension of actions to ensure adequate performance.

Siqur can be used by any organization wishing to develop and improve its safety skills and willing to change its workers mindset and behavior. It can be used for specific learning objectives as a full training solution, or as a complement to any existing program through a blended learning approach. Either way, Siqur is meant to reinforce collaborative training, by fostering team communication through knowledge & experience sharing.

Our aim is to help organizations bring their new thoughts into action (hard to achieve as it's easy to fall back into old habits) ensuring applied strategies are always up-to-date.

Como dicen en el Un videojuego sobre la seguridad laboral gana el premio Serious del festival de Bilbao

" La herramienta, creada por la empresa asturiana Virtway para un estudio de la Universidad de Stanford, surgió con el objetivo de «conseguir un cambio de comportamiento y actitud frente a la seguridad en sectores de riesgo», según relató el fundador y director de la compañía, José Antonio Tejedor. El videojuego está siendo aplicado actualmente por compañías como Air France o Bureau Veritas, y sus creadores ya trabajan en la adaptación a ámbitos como el entorno portuario. "

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