Cierre de learncentral .. connect, share, inspire.... Blackboard collaborate

Hoy os traemos el anuncio que BlackBoard Collaborate ha hecho del cierre de LearnCentral ... connect, share, inspire ... aquí os dejamos con el enlace a la noticia :

LearnCentral Important Announcement
Following the acquisition of Elluminate and Wimba by Blackboard we have been working hard to meet our commitments to our combined user communities including exceptional customer service, a unified team, and a collective product roadmap. In July, we were excited to deliver to you Blackboard Collaborate 11, a product that inherited the best from both the Elluminate and Wimba platforms but which was simpler, easier to use and truly designed by the educators that use it.

Over the past year, we have also looked closely at our community networking project, LearnCentral, and have decided to close LearnCentral on December 31, 2011.

While LearnCentral held much promise as a general social networking platform for educators, we recognize that it never became the preferred destination for educators, and we don't believe that continued development would provide significant benefits that aren't available to educators through other services. In addition, we have learned from our clients that they prefer us to focus on the web conferencing, instant messaging, and voice authoring products which are our core capability.

We are making this announcement at this time to make sure that those of you using LearnCentral have ample time to make plans for using another service, a number of which are listed below and that also offer features similar to LearnCentral. These are free, established social networking projects, and should serve you well.

If you are sharing or delivering instructional content, please take a look at the Blackboard CourseSites platform, where you can create interactive websites to support learning and collaboration. While typically geared toward delivering instruction, it can also be used to share, discuss and develop curriculum and teaching best practices. In addition, CourseSites offers access to a 50-seat Collaborate room.

We know there are likely to be questions about the transition, some of which are answered below. We have also opened up a discussion thread at for you to ask about anything that is not covered here.

Os dejo tambien un enlace al post de ayer de Steve Hargadon bajo el título "The Closing of" en el que apoya la decisión aunque la considere dura...

(leer más...)

Fuente: [learncentral]