Blackboard a Step Closer to Acquisition....ProvidenceEquity

Aprovechando que hace poco, el sábado 17 de septiembre de 2011 os dejamos la noticia de que Blackboard: Millions of Student Exams, Tests and Data Exposed ...hoy traemos a este espacio, para nuestra sección [e-learning en prensa] , que hace mucho que no escribimos, la noticia, ya anunciada, hace tiempo de que Blackboard a Step Closer to Acquisition

Blackboard's pending acquisition by a private equity firm has received shareholder approval. The company announced that at a special meeting held Sept. 16, 2011 shareholders representing 81 percent of outstanding shares approved the proposal put forth by Providence Equity Partners.

Pending regulatory approval, Providence will buy the education technology company in a deal valued at $1.64 billion. When the buyout was announced in July, the company stated that members of its executive team would remain in place after the deal was completed. Shareholders will receive $45 in cash for each share of Blackboard stock they possess. In the time that the buyout was announced, Blackboard's shares have traded between $40 and $45.

The acquisition journey for Blackboard has been a months-long endeavor. According to documents filed with the SEC, Blackboard CEO Michael Chasen met with three potential investors, identified as "Financial Sponsor" A, B, and C during a TED conference in Long Beach, CA. he also spoke with Providence by phone during the same event. During those meetings, he advised each party to submit a written proposal before a regularly scheduled March board meeting.(leer más...)

Fuente: [campustechnology]