Artículos sobre concepciones del aprendizaje

Para el proyecto de Akoranga Labs, la metodología de formación P2P, estoy revisando algunos artículos interesantes sobre la concepción del aprendizaje y entornos de aprendizaje, que como forma de documentación del propio proyecto, iré compartiendo aquí. Con la suerte añadida, de que estos tres que leía ahora, están disponibles online :)

  • Ellis, R. A.; Goodyear, P.; Prosser, M. y O’Hara, A. (2006) How and what university students learn through online and face-to-face discussion: conceptions, intentions and approaches. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 22(4), pp. 244-256.

This paper reports a phenomenographic investigation into students’ experiences of learning through discussion – both online and face to face (F2F). The study context was a second-year undergraduate course in psychology for social work in which the teacher had designed discussion tasks to begin in F2F mode and to continue online. A combination of open-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews was used to investigate students’ conceptions of what they were learning, their intentions and their approaches to learning through discussion. Analysis of the interview and open-ended questionnaire data identified a number of qualitatively different conceptions, intentions and approaches to learning through discussion. Associations were found between what students thought they were learning through discussions, their approaches to learning through discussion and their course grade. Students with a cohesive conception and students adopting a deep approach (to learning through online discussion) got better course grades. There was no significant difference between deep and surface approaches to F2F discussion and course grade. The outcomes of this study have implications for the design of online and F2F discussion tasks and in particular for helping students adopt richer conceptions of what they stand to gain through discussion.
Keywords: blended learning, discussions, online learning, undergraduate

  • Ellis, R. A.; Goodyear, P.; Calvo, R. A. y Prosser, M. (2008) Engineering students’ conceptions of and approaches to learning through discussions in face-to-face and online contexts. Learning and Instruction, 18(3), pp. 267-282.

This study focused on students’ conceptions of and approaches to learning through face-to-face and online discussions. The study setting was a course in which students (N = 110) worked in small teams and in which team discussions took place both face-to-face and online. The design of the study involved a combination of in-depth interviews and self-completion questionnaires using open-ended questions and rating scales. The analysis adopted a phenomenographic approach, leading to the construction of categories for students’ conceptions of and approaches to learning through discussions and the testing of associations between conceptions, approaches and course outcomes. Close associations were found between conceptions of learning through discussions with approaches to face-to-face and online discussions and with learning outcomes. 
Keywords: Learning through discussion; Online discussion; Higher education; Phenomenography; Conceptions of learning; Approaches to learning

  • Trigwell, K. y Ashwin, P. (2006) An exploratory study of situated conceptions of learning and learning environments. Higher Education, 51(2), pp. 243-258.

This paper describes a study designed to test whether situated conceptions of learning can be measured using questionnaires, and the relations between these aspects of students’ awareness, their awareness of other environmental variables, and their learning outcomes. A situated conception of learning is one that is evoked and adopted by students in response to their perceptions of their learning tasks in a particular context. It may reflect the aims they have for their studies, once they have started that study and experienced that study environment. The results from this small-scale, limited-context study showed that when students perceived the learning environment as being more supportive of learning, they were more likely to describe a situated conception of learning that was more closely aligned with those promoted by the University. They also had higher scores on the deep approach to learning scale, lower scores on the surface approach scale, and expected to leave university with a higher degree classification. These associations, which suggest that situated conceptions, like prior experience of learning, may be a crucial indicator of learning approach and outcomes of learning, are sufficiently large to warrant more rigorous investigations.
Keywords: conceptions of learning – deep approach to learning – learning environments – situated conceptions – situated learning – surface approach to learning

Featured image: Flickr CC Jussi