Digital Agenda for Europe

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Europe's Digital Agenda

The Digital Agenda is Europe's strategy for a flourishing digital economy by 2020. It outlines policies and actions to maximise the benefit of the Digital Revolution for all.

To achieve these goals, the Commission will work closely with national governments, concerned organisations and companies. An annual Digital Assembly will bring stakeholders together to assess progress and emerging challenges.

Digital Agenda for Europe Communication (full text)

Las acciones planeadas se organizan en los siguientes grupos

Digital single market
internet access
research and innovation
improve eSkills
ICT for society - selected

Podéis tambien ver las acciones planteadas.. de las que aquí teneis algunas reseñadas;

Y por último también os dejo el enlace al blog de la Digital Agenda for Europe

y su 2 últimas entradas:

9 September 2011: EU, Paradiso and Collective Awareness – Become the change you want to see

September 1st, 2011

— Posted by Fabrizio Sestini, DG INFSO, Project Officer
Can individuals save the planet from the multiple sustainability problems which we are facing? Can ICT create a higher level of consciousness about the state of the environment, and about the role that local individual actions can play in the global society, at the level of lifestyles or democratic participation?
On September 9, in Brussels, we will be exploring the role of online platforms for collective awareness and action in a dedicated dialogue. Platforms based on the connecting power of online social networks and on the knowledge coming from collective co-production, combined with the Internet of Things. Grassroots platforms, not driven by governments or industries, but involving users, local communities, NGOs and other representatives of civil society, for “community-based innovation”; making our lifestyles more sustainable, and our world more democratic.

Number of views: 404

Mapping ICT professional societies in Europe: A first step to mobilize their community?

August 10th, 2011

Posted by Wout van Wijk, DG INFSO, Project Officer ‘Trust and Security’

For a fruitful implementation of the Digital Agenda for Europe’s pillar on Research and Innovation, we are dependent on a strong and unified ICT scientific society. The following study provides the necessary tools to build one.

The final report of the study: “The Role and Impact of Professional and Scientific Societies in ICT Research, Education and Innovation”(1) is available online.


The study examines the current situation and the dynamics of the ICT societies in Europe, and proposes strategies to help overcome ICT society fragmentation, increasingly seen as a major bottleneck to their future development and their impact on research, innovation and policy-making. The study also created and developed an online inventory describing 442 societies throughout Europe to be used as a reference tool.

Number of views: 295

1st Digital Agenda Assembly a success thanks to your contribution and feedback. The Digital Agenda now going local.

August 3rd, 2011

Posted by “The DAA and Going Local Organising Team”

The 1st Digital Agenda for Europe (DAA11, Brussels, 16-17 June 2011) surpassed expectations, with more than 1600 participants onsite and many contributions online. Thank you very much to all those that contributed in one way or another.

Already during DAA11 many suggestions were made onsite and on twitter about aspects to improve. Soon after DAA11, an assessment form was e-mailed to participants and an online feedback forum was launched. 45 ideas were submitted in this forum, 190 people commented and voted. DAA11 organisers replied to most comments, others didn’t call for a response. The answers to the most voted suggestions are:

Number of views: 420

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Fuente: [comisión europea]