Ponencia por IRC + Audio: Sistema de vida planetario y los comunes campesinos

Carlos del Campo

[bib]9039[/bib] Carlos received a BSc degree in Psychology at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México in 2001 and a MSc in Environmental Anthropology at the University of Kent in Canterbury in 2003. His dissertation and field research evaluated the impact of indigenous organizations on agricultural knowledge transmission in Pastaza, Amazonian Ecuador. He is interested in the benefits of eco-therapy for conservationist organizations, in developing web platforms for conservation and biocultural diversity-related NGOs, and in collaborating with rural communities to strengthen their technical and organizational capacities for conservation. Carlos has field experience in both northern and southern Mexico and speaks Spanish, French and English fluently.

Ronny Waldemar Roma Ardon

The main job activities I must to do are: to provide assistance and advice to regional directors and their workers focused on the protected areas management; to coordinate efforts with institutions related to conserve and protect biodiversity both private natural reserves and municipal protected areas in the whole country; to participate and give technical support in the management and planning of protected areas activities. Right now I’m leading the initiative of El Amay mountain, in which we work with institutional partners as the Italian NGO Movimondo, the Municipal Forests of the National Forest Institute project (BOSCOM-INAB as its Spanish meaning) and the NGO Rigoberta Menchú Tum Foundation, in the sense to promote the participation of local communities in the sustainable management of the Forest as a way to increase their incomes and abilities to protect the environment in this zone that has the second biggest cloud forest in Guatemala.



Imagen de Jesus_Elizarraras_Quiroz

Ya está la relatoría de la conferencia:

Sistema de vida: El planeta como comunes campesinos:


1. del Campo, C. (2010). Audio: Sistema de vida planetario y los comunes campesinos. Sexto Ecuentro en Línea de Educación Cultura y Software Libre.

