
Historic airplane found, cash spammed!

Sometimes, very rarely, I am happy that the spam filters in my personal mail server are so far from perfect.

Many of us were amazed, some days ago, news broke that Amelia Earhart's plane was found in the Southwestern Pacific. The news is amazing and worthy in itself. But today, I got this mail, proof that Amelia lived through all those years: (all addresses obscured, of course)

Historic airplane found, cash spammed!

Sometimes, very rarely, I am happy that the spam filters in my personal mail server are so far from perfect.

Many of us were amazed, some days ago, news broke that Amelia Earhart's plane was found in the Southwestern Pacific. The news is amazing and worthy in itself. But today, I got this mail, proof that Amelia lived through all those years: (all addresses obscured, of course)

Sobre Captchas y el poder de millones de usuarios

Muy interesante la historia detrás de los captachas y el poder que tenemos si sumamos millones de usuarios en acciones cotidianas!


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