
San Juan y las notas musicales

// el verano haya empezado hace unos días, la fiesta popular que celebra la entrada de esta estación en el hemisferio norte fue anoche, acompañada de hogueras y, en los sitios de playa, de baños nocturnos y peticiones de deseos.

Por la membresía de la comunidad de ubuntu


Wow... IP lawyers are from another planet

Second speaker at today'sseminar,Vladimir Mojica. He is talking about th legal backing for DRM and TPM as well as laws against circumvention. He quotes USA's DMCA as one of the most complete, advanced and forward-minded laws,inviting the audience to push for such a law here.

I hope he gets to my (written)question, as today is a very important day in this regard: The Senate has requested the presidency to reject signing the ACTA treaty! (I will update this post with relevant links soon)


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