UNESCO to release research into mobile learning initiatives, policies and teacher development

Hoy traemos a este espacio ... algunas investigaciones de la UNESCO sobre mobile learning , que nos presentan así :
UNESCO to release research into mobile learning initiatives, policies and teacher development

Over five weeks UNESCO, in partnership with Nokia, is launching its
Working Paper Series on Mobile Learning with the release of a set of
twelve papers reviewing mobile learning initiatives, implications for
ICT in education policies and how mobile technologies support teacher
development. The papers will be released according to regions of the
Information and communication technologies (ICT) can contribute to achieving the pillars of Education for All
(EFA), which are universal access to education, equity in education and
the delivery of quality education. Given the unprecedented uptake of
mobile devices in the world – there are now almost 6 billion mobile phone subscriptions – these ICT present a new and exciting possibility for supporting EFA.
UNESCO is committed to fully exploring how mobile learning, using
mobile devices alone or in combination with other ICT, can improve
education. While mobile learning is certainly not new, only in very
recent years is it receiving widespread attention and building serious
momentum. The evidence base for how mobiles can improve grades, increase
learner motivation, deliver content to hard-to-reach communities,
support district and school administration, and enable adult education
in areas such as literacy, is mounting. (...)
En resumen... aquí tenéis los enlaces a los 5 informes

Mobile Learning Initiatives

UNESCO Working Paper Series on Mobile Learning: Africa and the Middle East

(leer más...)

Fuente: [unesco edtechdebate mobile learning ]