Transparent Billing .. . vigila los movimientos de los empleados en las redes sociales

Hoy traemos a este espacio a la empresa  Founded in 1997, KMGi Group que se vende así en su web: is a winner of numerous awards for
excellence in interactive production and enjoys an international
reputation as a pioneer in innovative and cutting edge interactive
production solutions.

.. y la traemos porque ha lanzado Transparent Billing

Protection from Overbilling

You won’t lose money on overbilling again. Instead,
you’ll know precisely who’s doing what for you and how. Transparent
Billing will provide you with the most detailed information on the work
performed by any of your contractors or staff member, and on the status
of each task
you’ve assigned to them. It’s all on the cloud you can access from any
computer, iPad or even a smartphone.

Better Control

With Transparent Billing you will have much better
control over your remote workers and contractors, allowing you to
substantially reduce labor costs and use the best talent available
globally instead of limiting yourself to searching for the candidates
available locally. Wherever you find yourself, you will have detailed
information on the work performed by your staff, however dispersed it
might be geographically.

Increased Productivity

A cohesive team and streamlined management translate into
faster work and high quality results. Transparent Billing gives you the
ability to keep a closer eye on progress, milestones, biled hours, and
budgets - all tracked in real time, including via automatically updated
Gantt chart and informative dashboard with up-to-minute information.

(leer más...)

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