Our second anniversary

YEAH! Thats right, today the Ubuntu Nicaraguan LoCo Team celebrated the second anniversary!!!! This community began on 2006 with less than 10 members and making conferences for 20 persons.

Two years later we are the biggest and better community in our country, members of the FLISOL, SFD, DFD organization and creator of the LinuxTour.

In this year, the Ubuntu Nicaraguan LoCo Team is working in new projects, supporting to national musicians like Q69K, Milly Majuc and Cecilia Ferrer and the Argonauts, we are helping these groups making their websites and making some talks to them about Creative Commons and benefits that will have if they license theirs work under CC.

I feel very proud to be part of a great community like this one, in this community i have found a lot of friends, we are like a big family and i like that.

Photos from Fioria