Nicalug show on tv

Yesterday, Noel Vargas, a community member who works in Nicaragua's Canal 2 told me that he had a meeting with Aracelly Artola, one of the producers of Primera Hora and she gave him the ok to start working on the project for a weekly technology show.

The show is going to be broadcasted on Canal 2 in the morning. Canal 2 is one of the most popular and viewed channels in Nicaragua, and the FOSS community is going to have 10 minutes every Tuesday to promote FOSS Technology and spread the word to all the people in the country, geeks and non-geeks :)

We are very happy for this. We'll have 52 shows per year to show the people the benefits of using free/open source software and talk about the activities, projects and everything we want regarding Technology.

For the people who don't live in Nicaragua and are interested in view the presentation, the channel has live streaming, so we will announce the schedule of the show and the topics we will speak on it.

This is a great advance for the whole community :) YEAH!!!!