MoodleMoot Virtual Conferences in English and Spanish on WizIQ #mmvc11

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Welcome to the first online Moodlemoot (MMVC11)!

The MoodleMoot will take place from August 17-21 online via WiZiQ Virtual Classroom. The presentations will be conducted in both English and Spanish. You are invited to join the presentations now to ensure that you get the video recordings.

The topic tracks for MMVC11 are:

  • Moodle for instruction and learning for blended and fully online courses
  • Teaching with Moodle in unique ways

  • Online facilitation using Moodle

  • Moodle tips

  • Moodle communities of learning

  • Research studies and case studies on teaching with Moodle
  • Moodle innovations and developments

  • Best practices with Moodle

  • Case studies
  • Innovations with Moodle, Mahara, Blended & Blended Online Learning

  • Mobile Learning

  • Action Research Projects

  • Reflective Practice & E-portfolios

  • New and Innovative Software

  • Integration of technology into the curriculum

Each presentation will be 40 - 60 minutes long with 15 min for questions and answers.

You are invited to join each of the events (public google docs) and/or website by clicking on the link provided for each session so you can get email notification reminders a few hours before they start as well as the recordings. Please make sure you set your time zone according to your location.

Please create an account and join the MoodleMoot as presenter and/or participant on this Moodle.

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Fuente: [moodlemoot]