#mobilelearning #mlearning: Learning in Context Workshop 2012, Brussels 26th and 27th of March

 Hoy comienza Learning in Context Workshop 2012, Brussels 26th and 27th of March

In this workshop current innovative practices on the use of mobile
learning and research from the domain of Technology Enhanced Learning
will be joint.  Contextualized learning will be addressed from different
angles, including
  • case-studies from industry, Higher Education and Secondary Education
  • Current and future Research issues, and
  • Visions for the future of applying mobile learning in education and training.

In the 2-day event in Brussels a small group of experts has been
invited to work with educational professionals from industry, formal
education and CPD who have some experience in the application of Mobile
Learning. Confirmed speakers are Agned Kukulska-Hulme, Mike Sharples,
Norbert Pachler, Christian Glahn, Volker Zimmermann, Marcus Specht.
Marcus will be joint by Marco Kalz, Roland Klemke, Stefaan Ternier and
Fred de Vries from the Mobile Learning team.
A more detailed agenda has been put together and will be updated in the coming weeks (check the option in the navigation).
Invited speakers:

John Traxler Agnes Kukulska-Hulme Volker Zimmermann Erik Duval Roland Klemke
Norbert Pachler Eric Slaats Matthijs Leendertse Marcus Specht Christian Glahn

Monday 26 March and Tuesday 27 March 2012
Opleidingsinstituut van de Federale Overheid / L'Institut de Formation de l'Administration fédérale, Brussels, Belgium
Main Goals of the Workshop
- Share best practices on Research and applications on Mobile learning –
query interest in participation using open innovation model
- Strengthening ties between industry, formal education and researchers on this popular topic
- Discuss the Grand Challenges identified in the STELLAR Network of
Excellence instruments with participants and ask for their input.
A mix of around 50 participants is expected from industry, universities, CDP who are active in the sub-domain Mobile Learning.  Results of presentations, discussions and groupwork will be published on TELeurope and in the here in the OpenU Mobile Learning topic.

El programa del evento es:

Detailed Program (in progress)

Monday 26 March
Vision Mobile Learning 2030
10.00-10.45 Marcus Specht, Opening Grand Challenge Context in STELLAR, and Vision Mobile Learning 2030
The talk will explain the background of the workshop and give a short
introduction to the STELLAR Grand Challenge Framework. Furthermore the
talk will give the perspective of the CELSTEC mobile learning group on
the future of mobile learning, current and future relevant research
topics, and theoretical models to structure research in this area.
The talk will also give some practical example of ongoing works in the
area of Ambient Displays for Learning and use of Sensor Technologies for
Learning Support.
10.45-11.30 John Traxler
We are in an era of considerable instability and rapid change. This is
true of contextual technologies themselves and their significance for
how we learn and how we know. It is also true of the environment for
researchers as the global economy moves from prosperity into depression,
as mobile learning hits the wider corporate and government
consciousness and as contextual technologies move from obscure research
topic to popular leisure experience. The talk will explore these
propositions and their relationships.
11.30-12.15 Norbert Pachler
The talk will present the conceptual and theoretical work of the London
Mobile Learning Group (LMLG: www.londonmobilelearning.net) and start
from the premise that the normalisation of increasingly sophisticated
mobile phones in the everyday lives of users is of significance for
The talk will discuss a framework for analysing the
fundamental societal, cultural, economic and technological changes -
conceptualised as transformations and termed the 'mobile complex' -
currently bearing on education in order to enable practitioners, policy
makers and researchers to develop appropriate interventions in their
respective spheres.
It will explore the notion of the mobile
complex from the perspective of the LMLG's socio-cultural ecology
focussing on structures, agency and cultural practice and will discuss
key features of the socio-cultural ecology with particular relevance for
education, namely the notions of appropriation, habitus of learning and
user-generated contexts. And, it will explore how the key features of
the mobile complex can be made meaningful for education through
assimilation, conversational threads and convergence.
The talk will finish by exploring some practical examples of the use of
mobile devices in teaching and learning.

12.30 Lunch
Case Studies and Mobile Learning Topics
13.15 Agnes Kukulska-Hulme, Context in Mobile Language Learning

Context has long been a pivotal concept in language learning since
"language comes to life only when functioning in some environment"
(Halliday, 1978).
The talk will consider whether contextual mobile
technologies can play a role in bringing language to life, and the
effect this may have on language learning. Successful learning of a
foreign language is an immersive experience; contemporary research with
mobile language learners gives insights into how learners shape their
experience by interlacing aspects of life, work and learning. The talk
will also reflect on how mobile learning may diminish as well as
enhancing language learning. It will assess how far mobile language
learning has come and consider directions for the future.

14.00 Roland Klemke, Mobile Learning in Logistics
Organisations in the logistics area operate in a tension field. On the
one hand, the complexity of logistic processes rises constantly due to
increased global transportation demands, precision requirements in
timing and handling, growing complexity in international regulations and
increasingly internationalised workforce. This puts pressure on the
education of logistics workforce, who also need to be able to proove
their legitimations.
On the other hand, educational
processes in the logistics sector are extremely hard to organise due to
the inherently mobile workforce. Still, however, mobile learning is not a
standard instrument in the logistics field. We present approaches to
organise and contextualise learning processes in research and commercial
14.30 Eric Slaats, iPads in Higher Education a grass roots approach
With its 40,000 plus students and about 4,000 members of staff and a
range of courses covering almost every sector, Fontys University of
Applied Sciences is one of the largest institutions for higher education
in the Netherlands. The 31 Fontys schools teach approximately 100
bachelor and 31 master courses. 
In sept 2010 a grass roots
innovation project concerning mobile started with 10 schools
participating covering every sector in which Fontys is active. 120
students and 30 staff members were given iPads and a hands-on approach
was chosen to get a grip on mobile learning during a 4 month stretch.
During that 4 month stretch 16 experiments (projects of which some are
still running) were conducted, with app development, readers, content,
interactive co-created lessons, sharing, social media, video, measuring
During the project 12 other Universities 17 companies and 14 publishers participated in a number of ways.  
The project resulted in deployment of about 2500 tablets numerous smart
phones within the Fontys staff to further implement the findings of the
This talk will shed a light on the
approach of this project, why it could be successful in such a huge
organization, highlight some of the more successful innovations like
interactive non-linear presentation and how the follow-up is organized.
15.00 Marco Kalz: Tablet computers and eBooks for law students at OUNL: Insights from a recent pilot study
Tablet computer and eBooks and their implications for education are
currently intensively discussed. During the talk first results from a
longitudinal pilot study with students from the Law faculty of the Open
University of the Netherlands are presented.
15.30  coffee break
15.45 Christian Glahn, Perspectives on mobile learning in security and defense learning
Increasing global threads, internationally coordinated support and
peace-keeping missions challenge the training needs in security and
defense organizations around the world. Despite a long history of
desktop centered ADL, the existing practices have limitations for
providing timely updates or for reinforcing prior knowledge. The
features of smart mobile devices offer new opportunities for ADL in
security and defense organizations, but they challenge common approaches
of information presentation and assessment. This presentation
highlights the practical constraints and solutions of combining mobile
learning with the existing ADL practice.
16.15 Stefaan Ternier and Fred de Vries, Mobile Augmented Reality in Higher Education
Today there is an abundance of information available on the Internet.
Making this information accessible through mobile devices, potentially
taking account of the user's context, has it's merits. Most augmented
reality browsers like Layar and Wikitude only focus on visualizing
information that that is close to one's current location. We believe
that considering feedback an decision taking are important as well when
trying to implement successful learning through AR. ARLearn, a framework
for serious games and field trips implements these features and
supports both Augmented Reality and Augmented Virtuality scenarios. In
this talk we will presents findings with this toolkit in decision
taking, situated learning and expository learning scenarios.
16.45 Erik Duval, Learning Analytics in mobile learning
17.30-18.00 Open Discussion, Open Floow, Closing
20.00 Joined Dinner at restaurant Tasso, near the North Railwaystation (see map)
Tuesday 27 March
Stakeholder Issues in Mobile and Contextualized Learning
9.00- 10.30 Volker Zimmermann, Mobile learning in corporate training"

Mobile devices change not only the way people are communicating in
companies, but also create the demand to use learning solutions with a
different look and feel as well as haptic. In difference to schools or
higher education, for corporate organizations it is very important to be
able to manage the process of distribution of content as well as enable
the tracking and testing of results. Companies need in addition
multi-device strategies to be able to offer the use of the content in
the situation the users want to learn best. In the future, it should not
make a difference, whether the learner uses the content from an iPad in
a train in combination with learning at the workplace with the desktop
computer. Important is, that the company serves all devices but also is
able to manage the processes around learning and content. In the core of
a future learning solution stands an infrastructure that allows mobile
and social learning in combination with easy management functionality.
In addition, all this should be easy to use, have a very modern user
interface and experience and be flexible in terms of sizing and
infrastructure - so best be out of the cloud. In the speech, Volker
Zimmermann will show how the future mobile learning from the cloud will
look like, will show how interactive textbooks for corporate
organisations look like and how they will be used in combination with
mobile apps that are connected to an LMS".

10.00-10.30 Matthijs Leendertse:
"What problems does mobile learning solve for users?"
10.30-12.00 Group working on linking stakeholder problems and  mobile learning research and opportunities.
12.00 Plenary presentations of group work
12.30 Lunch
Linking Visions, Stakeholder Issues and STELLAR Grand Challenges
13.15 Marcus Specht: Grand Challenge Framework of STELLAR and presentation of
Grand Challenges and Trend Scout Report on Contextualized Learning,
including discussion and validation with stakeholder problems and
14.00 Expert Roundtable and Open Discussion:
"The path towards the Vision 2020 in mobile learning research."
15.00 Wrap up and closing.

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of Excellence and

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Fuente: [learning in context 2012]