map {$_->destroy} $home->windows; waitfor(NewWindows->arrive) && $home->build_windows;

I live in a 55 year old house. That's not something to be worried about, of course, but it does mean that my house needs major maintenance works to continue to be in good shape.

This week, said major maintenance jobs began. We are in the process of replacing all of the windows - It might sound a bit scary by today standards... But if you have ever been here... Well, this house was built in a very different era, when the newly built University City lied several kilometers South of the city border and land was cheap here. Most houses in the area were built for University teachers (this particular house was for twenty years home to Marcos Moshinsky, Mexico's most important Physicist who, coincidentially, passed away last week; Dr. Moshinsky was my father's teacher and mentor).

Anyway, we just started the window teardown process. The workers are going quite faster than I expected. Still, I am worried about the waitfor(). As anybody who has come to this house will know, we live on a very busy avenue. Even 30 years ago, when my parents moved here, they installed double glasses on every window - But did some mistakes (i.e. we have some broken glasses which are unchangeable for practical purposes). This time we decided to buy from an established vendor for this kind of windows.

Double-glass windows are common in colder regions - But here, they are quite rare. Strange, being this a noisy city... So we researched a bit, and found a vendor with good quality - Multivi, in Puebla. What we didn't count on... Is that they were so informal. We paid in late December and were told delivery would take around two months... And we are still waiting, this time pressing them for a commitment. After all, we are already lacking several windows, and... Well, around May we start having rains. We DEFINITIVELY don't want to be stuck without windows by May!

Anyway... I recently sent out a semi-VAC anouncement to debian-private. And this is extensive to any project I am related to: The next days I will be paying more attention to whatever needs to be done at home. Please don't expect prompt replies to mail from me (yes, as if I usually replied promptly...) I do have network access, but not much computer time.