LoudCloud Systems Introduces New e-Learning Apple #iPad Feature

"La revolución empieza por casa."

"Cuando la tiranía es ley, la revolución es orden"
Pedro Albizu Campos

Hoy traemos a este espacio para nuestra sección de [e-learning en prensa]  una noticia sobre mlearning y LMS  y es que la entrada del ipad parece querer "revolucionar" la estrategia de muchísimas empresas del mundillo del elearning... LoudCloud Systems Introduces New e-Learning Apple iPad Feature ...

De hecho, LoudCloud will be demonstrating the University Suite Learning Management System on December 15, 2011 at 11:00am PST. Register Free for the upcoming webinar or request a Private Demonstration.

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Así nos presentan la nota de prensa em PrWeb:
"LoudCloud Systems,
provider of LoudCloud University Suite, a Higher Education Learning
Management System (LMS), continues to innovate the e-learning
marketplace with mobile accessibility. This platform feature is
designed for a growing segment; according to ComScore, the iPad
dominates 97.2 percent of all tablet traffic in the U.S. and nearly 30
percent were 25-34 years old. The new iPad feature for the LoudCloud
University Suite Learning Management System will significantly aid
students and instructors with their online learning experience.
Additionally this month, LoudCloud has a new module update to its
current LoudBooks™ e-Reader.
Joining the mobile revolution, LoudCloud introduces its new Learning
Management System feature specifically designed for the iPad tablet.
This feature will allow users to access the LoudCloud Learning
Management System (LMS) through an iPad, enabling them to download, read
offline, and annotate course materials in the LoudBooks™ format.
Students will be able to store and annotate on the LoudBooks™ e-Reader
even when they are offline, then sync when the table device is connected
to the Internet. With the LoudCloud University Suite feature, students
can download and view course and topic materials that are included in
the curriculum. Additionally, users can view assignment details and the
corresponding submissions and grades.
This feature will also allows
students to read the latest Forum posts and view Grade Book updates and
the class schedule. The new mobile feature will allow flexibility for
students to use key features of LoudCloud’s University Suite LMS without
having to be tied to a computer. Given the popularity of the iPad,
institutions using LoudCloud’s University Suite LMS offer students
innovative tools to participate, connect and allow more opportunities
for success."
(leer más...)

Fuente: [pr.web]