KZO’s Top 25 Must Read Blogs About #eLearning

Hoy traemos a este espacio el  TOP 25 de los
KZO’s Top 25 Must Read Blogs About eLearning ...

Aquí tienen el listado, por si alguno no conocía dichos blogs:

Focused on Technology for Learning

1. Kirsten Winkler wants
to show you “what’s next” in the education space. One of the first
bloggers in the education 2.0 space, Kirsten will guide you through all
things eLearning, social media, and education.

2. eLearning Blog Don’t Waste Your Time is
a blog which we’d recommend you do waste your time on! The posts can
help you to understand how technology is changing the way we interact
and educate our students. The blog is run by David Hopkins, a learning
technologist interested in the uses of technology in higher ed.

3. Kapp Notes hopes
to share eLearning insight with audiences of all ages, from baby
boomers to gamers. Some of its recent posts focus on 3D learning—a
technology we definitely want to keep our eyes on!

4. In the Middle of the Curve is
Wendy Wickham’s blog. On Twitter, she describes herself simply as an
“eLearning person.” Her blog offers a helpful resource for anyone
looking for detailed thoughts on eLearning as well as new technology,
training software, and more.

5. Upside Learning Blog is
the blog component of the Upside Learning company, which specializes in
a wide range of learning technology solutions. The blog features a
variety of authors and includes valuable news, advice, and reviews for
all things eLearning—from mobile learning to game-based learning and
everything in between.

6. eLearning Guild Blog focuses on building a community and showcasing resources for anyone interesting in eLearning practices and techniques.

Focused on Learning Design

7. eLearning Brothers is
written by brothers who have built online courses for major Fortune 500
companies. Their goal? To help you “create awesomeness” in the
eLearning space—definitely something we can get behind!

8. Custom Training and eLearning Blog wants
to train and empower new leaders using eLearning to advance their
professions. It focuses on corporate training and workforce empowerment
via technology to train a new generation of business leaders.

9. The Rapid e-Learning Blog features
colorful graphics and frequent updates. The site shares practical tips
to help you understand all things eLearning. Tom Kuhlmann, a veteran in
the training industry, hosts the site.

10. E-Learning Queen is
written by Susan Smith Nash, who has been involved in eLearning since
the early 1990s. Although she runs this blog, she claims she’s not the
E-Learning Queen—the reader of her blog is! Susan calls herself the
Queen’s assistant, and she wants to help you navigate the complex world
of learning technologies while also taking into consideration the
social, psychological, and cultural factors associated with global

11. The eLearning Coach provides
tips and reviews for online and mobile learning. Authored by a veteran
in the eLearning space, you can be sure you’re getting the best
knowledge for your eLearning journey.

12. E-Learning 24/7 Blog is
run by Craig Weiss, a thought leader in eLearning and social learning.
His blog aims to help eLearners understand new trends and emerging

13. Langwitches Blog comes
from Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano, a Technology Integration Facilitator
and 21st Century Learning Specialist. Langwitches Blog features
information on all things digital learning, such as how to incorporate
social networking and technology, like the iPad, into your online
learning practices.

14. Ozge Karaoglu’s Blog,
authored by a distinguished teacher and eLearning professional, offers
valuable insight into the ways we can use technology for digital
storytelling, ePortfolios, networking, and more.

Focused on Learning Thought Leadership and Best Practices

15. Nigel Paine focuses
on learning technologies, organizational leadership and development,
and creativity. His blog aims to help companies and their employees
foster innovation and improve their performance in the workplace—often
through eLearning practices.

16. Elliott Masie’s Learning Trends comes
from the MASIE Center, an international think tank focused on improving
the workforce. Their blog focuses on learning trends–from videos to
infographics to social learning practices, Elliott Masie covers it all.

17. Stephen Downes’ blog
is a treasure trove of news, opinion, and technology pieces focused on
the eLearning space. He describes his site as “more than just a site
about online learning…it is intended to demonstrate new directions in
the field for practitioners and enthusiasts.”

18. Derek’s Blog focuses
on the ways technology is shaping and changing education. He offers
insight on leadership, modern day educational challenges, learning, and

19. Cammy Bean’s Learning Visions is
run by the Vice President of Learning Design at Kineo U.S., a global
eLearning company. The author has 15 years of experience designing
corporate training and eLearning programs, so you can be sure you’re
reading insight from the best of the best.

20. GoodPractice is
a company that creates learning and development material for managers
and other leaders. Their blog offers a slew of insight from various
contributors about the best eLearning and leadership practices.

21. Angela Maiers Educational Services wants
to help organizations use communication and social technologies to
learn and grow. Angela’s blog is helpful to anyone just learning how to
leverage these technologies to foster learning.

22. Teaching Without Walls is
written by Michelle Pacansky-Brock, who wants to use emerging
technology to empower students and reinvent education. Her blog features
a slew of helpful insight regarding learning in the digital age.

23. Jane’s Extracts is
comprised of a collection of posts from Jane Hart, a social workplace
learning specialist. She covers a variety of topics critical to social
learning and collaboration.

24. Educational Origami covers
all things educational, and offers helpful insight on topics such as
the future of technology in the classroom, professional development,
online video, and more.

25. Harold Jarche is
committed to helping organizations learn, work, and innovate in our
technological era. On his blog, he shares his ideas about today’s
management and education models.

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Fuente: [KZO ]