Key Data on Education in Europe 2012. Informe, Colección de datos e indicadores en 31 paises europeos

Hoy traemos a este espacio Key Data on Education in Europe 2012.  Informe, Colección de datos e indicadores en 31 paises europeos, de la Comisión Europea.
Key Data Series

A collection of Statistics, Data and Indicators on Education in 31 European countries.


Key Data on Education in Europe 2012
Date of publication: 10/02/2012
Full report: en
Highlights: enesfifritlv

Aquí os dejo parte de la nota de prensa Education report warns of growing teacher shortages Brussels, 10 February 2012 –

Several Member
States, including Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands,
Austria and Belgium, may face serious teacher shortages in the future,
according to a new report published by the European Commission. The
report, entitled 'Key Data on Education in Europe 2012',
was presented to EU Education Ministers at their meeting in Brussels
this morning. It shows that the number of graduates specialising in
education is falling at a time when many current teachers are
approaching retirement age. But it also highlights encouraging signs:
funding for education is stable in most Member States and it underlines
that higher education remains the best insurance policy against
unemployment, with graduates more likely to find a job faster than

"This report is an
invaluable resource for policy-makers and provides important guidance
for future decisions. The professional development of teachers is a key
factor in ensuring high quality education for our students. That's why
Erasmus for All [the Commission's proposed new programme for education,
training and youth] aims to strengthen the professional development of
teaching staff while at the same time modernising education systems,"
commented Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
The report finds that targeted training for
teachers, such as mentoring, guidance for assessment and classroom
observation, is now more widespread across Europe. However, these
measures have not been sufficient to increase the attractiveness of
teaching. The Commission wants to contribute to the attractiveness and
quality of the profession by providing 1 million teachers with
opportunities to gain teaching and training experience abroad as part of
its proposed Erasmus for All programme.
The report finds that the share of the population with a tertiary qualification has risen and that graduates
find jobs twice as quickly as people with lower qualifications (5
months compared to 9.8 months). This finding shows that the European
Union's 2020 target for a 40% level of higher education attainment is
supported by solid evidence; however it is also clear that graduates are
increasingly over-qualified for their jobs and that some professions
offer better employment perspectives than others; the choice of course
is therefore increasingly important.
The 'Key Data on Education 2012' report was
presented to EU Education Ministers alongside a joint
Council-Commission report entitled 'Education and Training in a smart,
sustainable and inclusive Europe' (see MEMO/12/76).
The report is produced jointly by the
Eurydice network and Eurostat. It traces the main developments in
European education systems over the past decade. combining statistical
data with qualitative information to describe the organisation,
management and functioning of 37 European education systems, from
pre-primary to higher education. The data is collected through the
national units of the Eurydice network, Eurostat, and the 2009 PISA
(Programme for International Student Assessment) international survey
compiled by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD). The previous Key Data on Education report was published in 2009.
The publication covers priority areas for
European cooperation in education and training and the broader European
strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The 95 indicators
in the report cover areas such as demographic context, educational
structures, participation, resources, teachers and management staff,
educational processes and qualification levels and transition to
The Eurydice network provides information on and analyses of European education systems and policies. It consists of 37 national units based
in all 33 countries participating in the EU's Lifelong Learning
programme (EU Member States, EFTA countries, Croatia and Turkey). It is
co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency in Brussels.
For more information:
Highlights of the report Key Data on Education in Europe 2012:
Video interview
on Key Data on Education in Europe 2012 with Brian Holmes and Andrea
Puhl from the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture
Follow Androulla Vassiliou onTwitter @VassiliouEU
Percentages of students aged 15
attending schools where teaching is affected by a lack of qualified
teachers in the core subjects, 2009
Average length of transition from education to work by educational attainment level, 2009
Trends in the annual expenditure on
public education institutions by pupil/student, in EUR (thousands), 2000
and 2008. The data shows constant prices adjusted for purchasing power.
Source: Eurostat, UOE and national accounts statistics.
Tertiary education graduates in employment by occupational category and sex, 2010
Professionals and managers
Technicians and associate professionals
Clerks, service and sales workers
Craft workers, machine operators
Source: Eurostat, Labour Force Survey

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Fuente: [European Comission]