Infographic: How the Internet Is Revolutionizing Education by Nicholas Jackson

Hoy #19J , en el que #spanishrevolution se juega mucho para dar un salto cualitativo os traemos esta infografía , que habla sobre la revolución educativa, la verdadera revolución pendiente en #España ... la única posible, y la más necesaria ... la que tiene nombre #educación de la buena, de la de pata negra , lo último de lo que un político habla... y a la que irremediablemente y aunque a la mayoría de nuestras Universidades y Escuelas le den la espalda de verdad ha sido descuartizada por Internet , las redes sociales y sobre todo el P2P ... así que desde el #15m, pasando por la #spanisrevolution ... llegando al #19J... nos acercaremos irremisiblemente a la #P2PRevolution.... esta infografía está recogida del realizada por
Nicholas JacksonNicholas Jackson - Nicholas Jackson is an associate editor at The Atlantic. A former media aggreg ator for Slate, his writing has also appeared in Encyclopaedia Britannica, Texas Monthly and other publications.
Infographic: How the Internet Is Revolutionizing Education By Nicholas Jackson

Unless there's an outright ban, it's almost impossible to find a classroom anywhere in the United States without at least one computer. And in many college lecture halls, nearly every student will come ready with a laptop or tablet. At the very least, they often have a smartphone that's Internet-ready. These tools, only recently available to a mass audience (relatively speaking), are fundamentally altering education. They allow students to access vast stores of information with the press of a button.

The Internet has also allowed millions to receive an education without ever leaving their homes. Through sometimes-controversial online education programs, students can obtain entire degrees or just stay up-to-date in their chosen professional field.

"Whether enrolled at your local university or simply looking to deepen your knowledge of a subject, the options for education have never been more diverse," according to an infographic assembled by "Education is more accessible than ever before in human history, thanks entirely to the Internet."(leer más...)

Fuente: [the atlantic]