iMoot 2011 un encuentro global de moodlers

El encuentro global en linea ya esta abierto para que te registres. Si bien es un encuentro donde el idioma oficial es el ingles, podras encontrar foros en diferentes idiomas. En el sitio oficial se define asi:

What is an iMoot

iMoot – Engaging the Global Moodle Community

iMoot is an annual event where the Moodle community of over 32 million users are provided the opportunity to join together on a global scale. This web based event engages a global audience of Moodle practitioners, administrators and decision makers in one event for an online e-conference with a difference!


Our core aim is to ignite the sense of community and sharing for which Open Source and in particular Moodle is famous for.  An event for a meeting of minds to share the best of each of us with the others.

When Will The iMoot Be Held?

This years iMoot will be held between the 30th of April to the 3rd of May.

As this is an international conference it should be noted that this date is listed as GMT or General Moodle Time. As the home of Moodle is Perth Australia this means these dates are based on a time difference of +8. Don’t we all just love the wonders of international timezones? ;)