#IB The Culture of Learning. Madrid. 4-7 OCT

Madrid logoHoy traemos a este espacio

 la Regional Conference 2012, Palacio Municipal de Congresos, Madrid, Spain que tendrá lugar Thursday 4 October - Sunday 7 October 2012
The Culture of Learning
Following on from the extremely successful 2011
conference, the 2012  Regional Conference will be  a unique forum that
will draw together the ideas and creativity of educators from a diverse
range of countries and cultures from our region. IB educators and
outside speakers will provide the platform for you to leave stimulated
and motivated to continue your valuable contribution to education.

The list of speakers is available here

Registration is open  here

Aquí os dejamos los speakers de la conferencia:Presenters will be updated once they are confirmed.


Veronica Boix-Mansilla

VBM photo Veronica Boix-Mansilla is Chair of the Future of
Learning at Harvard Graduate School of Education and is a Principal
Investigator at Project Zero. Her research examines how human beings
enhance their understanding of complex problems by using the lenses of
disciplines like history, science, or the arts, or by combining
disciplinary approaches in novel ways. She studies the developmental
progressions that lead youngsters from early intuitive conceptions of
the world to understandings that are informed by one or more
disciplines. Her research bridges the minds and worlds of experts,
educators, and learners and stands at the crossroads of fields like
cognitive and developmental psychology, epistemology, sociology of
knowledge and education. She links theory and practice learning from,
and informing, initiatives in curriculum design, teaching, learning,
assessment, and professional development in K-12 and higher education.


Lance King

Lance King Lance King (B. Tech, Dip. Ed(dist),
M.Ed(hons)) is an internationally recognized author, teacher and
workshop facilitator who, in the last 17 years, has worked with over
150,000 students worldwide. He is the creator of the Art of Learning
programme taught in over 200 schools in eight countries and is a
specialist in the direct teaching of ‘learning skills’. Within the IB he
has been instrumental in the development of the IBCC and the new MYP
programme with particular focus on reformulating ATL. He is married with
four children, lives in Raglan, New Zealand and divides his time
between teaching and presenting workshops for teachers, parents and
students around the world and writing.

Ben Walden

Ben Walden Ben’s work has received major acclaim.He is an actor
and presenter who has played a number of leading roles on television
and for the Donmar and Almeida theatre companies as well as at
Shakespeare`s Globe.
Having run many masterclasses for the Shakespeare`s
Globe Education Centre he has worked in close collaboration with Mark
Rylance and Richard Olivier in the development of an experiential
theatre learning technique called Mythodrama.
As an Senior Associate at Olivier Mythodrama, Ben is
now running sessions bringing this work at Leadership level into a broad
range of organisations across the world. He has also run projects at a
number of leading business schools including Columbia, OSBS, the London
Business School and Insead.
"Contender Charlie" is the company he has formed to
take this, and other theatre techniques,  into education. Ben`s chief
passion is using theatre as a medium to bring meaning, purpose and
greater personal expression to the lives of young people.

Grant Wiggins

Grant Grant Wiggins is the President of Authentic Education in Hopewell, New Jersey. He earned his Ed.D. from Harvard University and his B. A. from St. John's College in Annapolis.
Grant is perhaps best known for being the co-author, with Jay McTighe, of Understanding By Design, the award-winning and highly successful program and set of materials on curriculum design used all over the world; and of Schooling by Design.
Over the past twenty five years, Grant has worked on
some of the most influential reform initiatives in the world, including
Ted Sizer's Coalition of Essential Schools, the IB, the Advanced
Placement Program; state reform initiatives in New Jersey, New York, and
Delaware; and national reforms in China, the Philippines, and Thailand.
Grant is widely known for his work in assessment reform. He is the author of Educative Assessment and Assessing Student Performance, both published by Jossey-Bass.
His work is grounded in 14 years of secondary school
teaching and coaching. Grant taught English and electives in philosophy,
coached Varsity soccer, Cross Country, JV Baseball, and Track &
Field. He also plays in the Hazbins, a rock band.
Sarah Kay
sarak kay Sarah Kay is a Spoken Word Poet who grew up in New
York City and began performing her poetry when she was only fourteen
years old. Even though she was often the youngest poet by a decade,
Sarah made herself at home at the Bowery Poetry Club, one of New York's
most famous Spoken Word venues. She is the Founder and Co-Director of
Project V.O.I.C.E.
In 2004, Sarah founded Project V.O.I.C.E. and has since
taught Spoken Word Poetry in classrooms and workshops all over the
world, to students of all ages. Most recently, Sarah was a featured
speaker at the 2011 TED conference.
Sarah is an IB Diploma graduate from the United Nations International School (UNIS) in New York City.

Cristóbal Cobo

Cristobal Cobo Cristóbal Cobo (PhD) is a research fellow at the
Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, where he coordinates
research on innovation, open knowledge initiatives and future of
learning research projects. Currently he works on Internet Science,
OportUnidad, K-Networks and SESERV (European Commission). He is also
coordinator of a collective project on informal, non-formal and
invisible learning - a collaborative book and an online repository of
bold ideas for designing cultures of sustainable innovation.
He has been a Visiting Fellow at the Centre on Skills,
Knowledge and Organisational Performance, University of Oxford and
 Professor and Director of Communication and New Technologies and editor
of the educational platform of the Latin American Faculty of Social
Sciences , Mexico. He has worked on academic projects with organizations
such as the Open University (UK), the University of Oxford, the
University of Minnesota, the University of Toronto, the Open University
of Catalonia, the Mexican Ministry of Public Education, and the
Ministries of Education of Chile and Argentina, the Telefonica
Foundation (Argentina and Mexico) and the European Union.

(leer más...)

Fuente: [IB conferences]