Pleasant perception changes

My day started late, although I didn't scratch the plan: Enjoy 40Km cycling, as –as every last Sunday of the month– we have the delicious Ciclotón — 32Km, plus ~10km from and to my house.

However, I have been downish lately, and during the afternoon (which I spent doing some home maintenance, as I usually do on weekends), I felt this downness grow somewhat. Nothing terrible, just I guess the processes that I have to live through.

Then, after ~1hr reading a somewhat tough book, I closed it thinking, "this was a good day". And surprised myself with the reflection.

So, while I don't think this can put me back into the activity/productivity status I have held and would love to regain... Is certainly a very nice push forward.

Time to get something for dinner, as my body also reminded me it is not exempt of such needs (as it faithfully reminds me, often more frequently than it should)