Top 100 Tools for Learning 2009

Otro añito más tenemos la lista top 100 de herramientas para el aprendizaje, que crea Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies de la que es alma mater Jane Hart...
The C4LPT website will provide you with a range of FREE resources about learning tools and technologies as well as information about our consultancy services to provide you with bespoke advice. It is divided into the following 5 sections:
Jane Hart is the founder of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies. She is a Social Media & Learning Consultant. Find out more about Jane and her different activities, including her blog, Jane's E-Learning Pick of the Day, the articles and presentations she produces and the consultancy services she offers.
>> Jane Hart

La listita (que tenéis abajo si clickais la veréis en grande) comienza con estas 20aplicaciones, a destacar que las subidas más fuertes son la de twitter, youtube, slideshare ... y la bajada de firefox (ya está integrao en nuestras navegaciones) y Moodle....

(leer más...)

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