The Spicy Learning Blog de Saffron Interactive

Hacía muchísimo tiempo que no hablábamos de algún blog... así que hoy vamos a traer uno... de Saffron Interactive ... se titula "The Spicy Learning Blog", y lo traemos a este espacio con algunos de sus recientes posts.... en el que podremos apreciar el tono de su discurso... teniendo en cuenta que es un blog colectivo de empresa ...

1) El primero escrito por Hanif Sazen encabezado así: Instructional design - pah, who needs it? en el que nos plantea algunas cuestiones sobre el diseño instruccional... y comienza así...

The recent turmoil in the financial markets and the resulting chaos in all of our businesses have both intensified our desire to be ‘rapid’. We want things faster and cheaper. We want minimal fuss and we just want to get on with it. We’re practical people, we get things done and we want to prove this to the world. Music to the ears of anyone selling a rapid development tool but what about instructional designers (IDs)? Where do they fit in? Pah, I hear you say. Who needs an ID? Our subject matter experts know all there is to know. If we give them a tool that allows them to put their knowledge online, surely this will be better and more authentic than having a third party develop the material? It will certainly be a lot cheaper and faster!

This is when I get worried. Not because I make my living from bespoke e-learning but because this kind of talk is dangerous. It subjects thousands of people to the tyranny of poorly designed training and holds them accountable for what they should have learnt. When we talk the ‘we don’t need instructional design’ nonsense, we forget that the true cost of training does not lie in the development. The true cost comes when we find out that the training hasn’t worked. For example, if you run a project management course, online or in the classroom, this may cost you a few thousand pounds. However, if the training is not effective and your people still can’t manage projects, the cost may run into the millions. Therefore, it’s critical that you ensure any learning intervention you invest in has the best chance of returning the benefits that your organisation is demanding. Otherwise, why bother at all? This is where instructional design comes in.

2) El segundo, y escrito por Minal Mody Top five tips for creating great systems training en el que nos da cinco consejos para crear sistemas de aprendizaje... ya con la primera frase nos apunta algunas cosillas...Con demasiada frecuencia, un curso de formación de sistemas se convierte en un manual de usuario glorificado porque intenta capacitar a los estudiantes en todo lo que hay que saber sobre el sistema! Read on for Saffron's top five tips for creating great systems training that focuses on what learners need to know. ... y comienza tal que así:

All too often, a systems training course becomes a glorified user manual because it tries to train learners on everything that there is to know about the system! Read on for Saffron’s top five tips for creating great systems training that focuses on what learners need to know.

1. Define the objectives and learning outcomes
Like with all online training, the first step to creating effective systems training is to define the objectives and learning outcomes. Ask yourself – what does the learner need to know? Are there any behaviours that need changing? Remember, while user manuals provide end-to-end information, the e-learning should focus on specific areas.

2. Get familiar with the system
Ask the subject matter expert to take you through the system in the same way that they would train someone. This will help you to identify where a learner might struggle. If possible, install the software on your computer or get remote access to a testing environment so that you don’t have to worry about breaking anything and, at the same time, have unlimited access to the system.

3) El tercero, y escrito por Mariette Miele Top five tips for managing resources en el que nos habla de 5 consejos para la gestión de recursos, y ya sabéis como me gustan las listitas, sirvan o no sirvan... cuanto de la rápidez, de los sistemas de aprendizaje y de los consejos podríamos reducir al sentido común? ...con una chispita creatividad!!! buena lectura sabatina ....

The project has been signed off and requirements gathered - now for the planning! To plan a project’s resources, you’ll need to have a really clear idea of the number and types of resources needed to spring the project into action. Without efficient resource planning things can start to fail rather quickly. Here are our top five tips to avoid that happening.

1. Define resources - who and what
So you’ve been informed of the project’s requirements and potentially even been given a delivery date. The question now is ‘who’ and ‘what’ are required to implement the project? It is important that the right people and equipment are identified otherwise you could be in a position where you don’t have the right tools for the job.

2. Schedule resources - when
Once you have clearly identified what resources are needed, it all comes down to time and availability. Determining how long a resource is required for is dependant upon two things: receiving accurate work effort estimates and taking into account the availability of that resource (consider planned absences, commitment to other projects and so on).

Fuente: [ The Spicy Learning Blog]