PLEs, Ping Pong Effect, Elgg, Conectivismo y Transculturalidad y DIY Social Media [5 enlaces][5 links]

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1) No PLEs, but informal learning in Real World communities en FLOSSE Posse Free, Libre and Open Source Software in Education

Pauliina Seppälä just published a great presentation telling the story of the Refugee Hospitality Club in Punavuori, Helsinki. It’s a nice example of using digital social networking service (basically Facebook) to organize people to change their own living environment, the Real World, to be a bit more human, pleasant and civic. Check the presentation:

My second example of informal learning in a Real World is a Master Thesis work from our MA in New Media program. Linda Kronman’s Killer Fashion Revolution is a project that uses fashion hacktivism to promote human rights. Check the video:

2) The Ping Pong Effect en T N T — The Network Thinker

This network map shows the key roles played in the recent mortgage meltdown. We start on Main Street and connect the dots out to Wall Street. The links in the network show the exchange of money and value. One of the unanswered questions of the meltdown is: who is at fault? who is responsible for the meltdown?

3) The Importance of Elgg in the Future of Learning en elearnspace learning, networks, knowledge, technology, community

When I survey the landscape of educational tools, I come to the following conclusion: Elgg is the most important tool, currently available, in shaping the future of learning. (Disclaimer: I was on an advisory board for Elgg when it first started, though the board never really did much, but I mention it now so it looks like I might be cool).

Why Elgg? I’ve used Elgg for various projects – for teaching at Red River College, for running a social network at Duke CE (both in 2005), and now with The Landing – an enterprise-level install at Athabascau University (initiated by Terry Anderson and Jon Dron). The tool has its bugs, but has developed substantially in the last few years. It is a central blog/wiki/twitter/flickr/craigslist/you-name-it do-it-all social network that is a) open source and b) not facebook. It is essentially a PLE – though diehards will disagree with me on this. It simplifies a PLE and makes it accessible to a broad audience.

4) Connectivism and Transculturality en Stephen Web
Connectivism and Transculturality

View more presentations from Stephen Downes.

5) 15 Ideas to Make Your DIY Social Media More Successful by Mike Brown en Social media today

Introducing a coordinated, vibrant social media effort into an organization depends on more than an “official” group creating content. Ideally multiple and varied people throughout the organization are functioning almost as beat reporters sharing their individual perspectives on topics relevant to targeted audiences.

How do you get do it yourself (DIY) social media support from people already contending with more than full job responsibilities? Here are 15 things you can do pave the way for success in implementing your social media effort:

  • Develop a role description for what a social media team member does in your company.
  • Provide realistic estimates of how much or how little time a team member will have to use to participate on the team.
  • Develop and share a social media policy for your company.
  • Create an internship and recruit a university student to participate in the effort.
  • Ask people what their talents are areas of interest in social media are and give them appropriate assignments.

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