Open Ed 2010: The Seventh Annual Open Education Conference

Hoy traemos a este espacio el Open Ed 2010: The Seventh Annual Open Education Conference

Early bird registration has been extended to September 24! Take advantage of discounted registration now.

URGENT: Hotels rooms are quickly disappearing due to the number of events happening in Barcelona during conference week (including a visit from the Pope). Please reserve your hotel rooms soon.

A draft of the conference program is now available for review. Please note that the program is still subject to change! The final program will be available shortly.

The Mozilla Foundation’s Drumbeat Festival 2010: Learning, Freedom and the Web is also happening in Barcelona during the week of Open Ed! If you’re attending Open Ed, for an extra 50 euros you can also register for the Drumbeat Festival. Send an email to if you’re interested in participating in both conferences.

About Open Ed 2010

The Open Education Conference has been described as “the annual reunion of the open education family.” Each year the conference serves as the world’s premiere venue for research related to open education, while simultaneously creating the most friendly and energetic atmosphere you’ll find at any academic conference.

November 2-4, 2010, the seventh annual Open Education Conference moves to Barcelona for its first convening outside of North America! The 2010 conference venue is CosmoCaixa, designated Europe’s best science museum in 2006.

The conference theme for 2010 is OER: Impact and Sustainability.

Keynote speakers for 2010 include Brenda Gourley, former Vice Chancellor of The Open University, Great Britain; Erik Duval, Professor of Computer Science at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; and Raquel Xalabarder, Director of Learning Resources at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain.

Come join us in Barcelona, November 2-4, for an inspiring conference!

Open Ed 2010 is jointly organized by the Open University of Catalunya, the Open University of the Netherlands, and the David O. McKay School of Education at Brigham Young University.

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Fuente: [open ed 2010]