eyeOS 2.0 Beta Released


eyeOS 2.0 Beta Released March 11th, 2010 by Jordi Collell

After several months of hard work we’re happy to announce today the immediate availability of the first official release of eyeOS 2.0 Beta. And even more: the new release doesn’t come alone but with the brand new eyeOS.org website, which has not ben redesigned for the last 2 years now. eyeOS 2.0 Beta can be downloaded from the new downloads page and tested from a Beta test server in eyeOS.info.

Today is a really special day for the eyeOS project. This new release includes a new, improved way to develop applications, a new desktop based on the great Qooxdoo library. It would have been impossible without the work of dozens of people working at eyeOS and now, more than ever, we need to be a giant team from everywhere in the world, working together on testing, debugging and translating this new version. A translation tool will be made available during the next few days.(leer más...)

Fuente: [ eyeos]