España en el Top Ten de la Administración Electrónica. Global E- Government Survey 2010

Hoy traemos una de Rankings, hacía mucho tiempo que no traíamos unas listitas con lo que le gusta al torito @eraser contar numeritos...en fin...

En este caso traemos de United nation Knowledge Base sobre eGovernement unos datos donde España sale muy bien parada .. no todo es tan terrible como lo pintan algunos guruses ... y aunque nos queda mucho por hacer... el camino es largo...

El primer mapa de arriba nos coloca en el Top Ten de los países en cuanto al e-government, concretamente en el puesto número 9, con una subida desde el año 2008 de 11 puestos (estábamos en el 20)... El segundo se refiere a Online Services ..y aquí aún estamos mejor... concretamente en el puesto 6 ...

Global E-Government Survey 2010


E–Government Development Index

Top 10 Countries
Country Index
Republic of Korea 0.8785
United States of America 0.8510
Canada 0.8448
UK and Northern Ireland 0.8147
Netherlands 0.8097
Norway 0.8020
Denmark 0.7872
Australia 0.7863
Spain 0.7516
France 0.7510
UN Global E-government Survey 2010

Publication Coming Soon
E–Participation Index

Top 10 Countries
Country Index
Republic of Korea 1.0000
Australia 0.9143
Spain 0.8286
New Zealand 0.7714
UK and Northern Ireland 0.7714
Japan 0.7571
United States 0.7571
Canada 0.7286
Estonia 0.6857
Singapore 0.6857

Leveraging E-government at a Time of Financial and Economic Crisis

The 2010 United Nations e-Government Survey: Leveraging e-government at a time of financial and economic crisis was completed in December 2009 and launched in early 2010. The report presented various roles for e-government in addressing the ongoing world financial and economic crisis. The public trust that is gained through transparency can be further enhanced through the free sharing of government data based on open standards. The ability of e-government to handle speed and complexity can also underpin regulatory reform. While technology is no substitute for good policy, it may give citizens the power to question the actions of regulators and bring systemic issues to the fore. Similarly, e-government can add agility to public service delivery to help governments respond to an expanded set of demands even as revenues fall short. Since the last edition of the survey, in 2008, governments have made great strides in development of online services, especially in middle-income countries. The costs associated with telecommunication infrastructure and human capital continue to impede e-government development. However, effective strategies and legal frameworks can compensate significantly, even in least developed countries. Those who are able to harness the potential of expanded broadband access in developed regions and mobile cellular networks in developing countries to advance the UN development agenda have much to gain going forward.

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