engage learning: the portal for game-based learning


Hoy traemos a este espacio a engage project, y concretamente a engage learning quality awards ... estos premios a la calidad reconocen las excelentes contribuciones de los maestros, profesionales de la educación, los desarrolladores de juegos y productores a la calidad del aprendizaje basado en el juego ....

Ratings and Awards of Learning Games


The ENGAGE Quality Awards recognise excellent contributions from teachers, educational practitioners, game developers and producers to the quality of game-based learning. The aim of the awards is to make the quality issues related to games and learning process by using GBL a visible topic and to increase the awareness amongst learning organizations, schools, teachers, learners, educators and practitioners, industries, and players about the educational potential of GBL.

The Engage Quality Awards will be granted in three categories:

Best Practice Award

The award will be assigned to documented cases of learning and teaching processes that integrate games in an innova­tive way and raise learning quality in terms of processes and results.

For more information on entry criteria and submission process:

click here.

Learning Games Quality Award

The award category recognises digital games for teaching and learning that stand up to methodological, didactical and technical standards.

For more information on entry criteria and submission process:

click here.

Games Inclusion Award

Digital games and inclusion – do these two go together? This award category proofs that they do by valorising both digital games and GBL-practices that succeed in raising self-confidence, motivation to learn, and foster participation in a community or society in general and thus contribute to social inclusion into the knowledge society.

For more information on entry criteria and submission process:

click here.

The Jury: The awarding body is comprised of game-based learning experts from industry or research as well as teachers with a professional background in using games for teaching and learning processes.

Winners and Ceremony: Winners will be invited to the award ceremony at Online EDUCA Berlin, 3rd December 2010. Our sponsors and the ENGAGE project provide you with

  • Your travel & 1 night at the Intercontinental Hotel to the event will be provided to you by our sponsors
  • Winners will be presented on the ENGAGE learning portal and in the ENGAGE Quality Awards brochure that

And furthermore:

  • For educators: You receive the 3D engine and authoring tool “Thinking Worlds™” which enables you to create serious, casual, social and advergames
  • For game producers: Your games free EFQUEL membership and the SIG-GLUE stamp

An official and life-streamed award ceremony will be held to acknowledge your contribution to high qual­ity in game-based learning and present the winners for each award category.

Con respecto al proyecto global... aquí tenéis más información:

About the Project

ENGAGE stands for European Network for Growing Activity in Game-based learning in Education.

The experiences in previous and on-going game related projects show that there is; a high potential in the application of games for learning; a strong interest amongst an increasing group of practitioners in the introduction of new game-based approaches; a lack of awareness amongst other stakeholders of the potentials of games for learning and for curricular contents; a lack of information about where to obtain resources and good practice relevant for curricular contents; and a lack of awareness regarding quality issues in the context of games used for learning.

The ENGAGE activities are structured to have a wide-ranging impact: (i) the objective is to prove that GBL is a method applicable for all five sectors of education, (ii) the ENGAGE tools will support adaptation of GBL regarding local and cultural issues, and (iii) the valorisation activities are defined to cover directly 12 EC countries and to initiate further dissemination and uptake of tools and methods in the rest of the countries.

The specific objectives of ENGAGE are:

  1. The creation of a European Games-Based Learning (GBL) Portal: a central information resource for people interested in games for learning and using games for curricular contents. Using a combination of Web 2.0 technologies (forums, wikis, blogs, podcasts, webspaces) the portal will provide:
    1. Documented methodologies for developing and implementing game-based learning for practitioners, developers, and other stakeholders of the learning community.
    2. A basis for a Europe-wide dialogue on the role of games and game-based approaches in Education and training and their acceptance by and effects on society, focusing on localisation and cultural issues as well as safety and rating agendas.
    3. For the dissemination for existing eLearning and Minerva project outcomes (e.g. UniGame, SIG-GLUE, etc.), as well as for ongoing projects related to the application of games for learning and the valorisation of these.
  2. Offering targeted workshops thus creating the future by:
    1. supporting practitioners/teachers/tutors in developing a predictive and proactive capacity to select games,
    2. assisting stakeholders in the adaptation and adoption of learning games in their teaching and learning processes, thus increasing the pleasure of learning,
    3. collaborating with game designers/producers in the development of new educational products.
  3. Increasing the monitoring capacity of policy makers on the development of Game-based learning (GBL) in Europe and on the promotion of quality approaches to education and learning supporting the motivation to learn thus also the pleasure of learning.

pdfDownload printable brochure.

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Fuente: [engage learning]