[5 enlaces][5 links] Twitter, K-8 , e-learning, higher education, approbo y citilab

Hoy, que hace mucho que no traemos nada a nuestra sección [5 enlaces][5 links] , vamos a traer 5 enlaces para guiar una , de las infinitas posibles, caminos de lectura para hoy domingo....

1) Pedagogical Serendipity (or, how Twitter saved my Kindergarten lesson) en Welcome to NCS-Tech! A mix of K-8 educational technology resources, commentary, lesson ideas and more, for members of my school community and the world. , y comienza así:

Planning lessons is hard.

I teach in a K-4 computer lab. 25 classes, five a day, once a week, 42 minutes each. Like most people who teach in a lab, I’m constantly on the lookout for great lesson material, particularly ideas that tie into what the kids are learning in their regular classrooms.

So I was thrilled when my Kindergarten teachers took the time to share some lesson/project ideas they found in our Language Arts series. They provided me a photocopied list of monthly “CULMINATING PERFORMANCE TASKS” (CPTs) with timing suggestions (“sometime in December,” etc.) and I was set!

Or so I thought.

So, our Kindergarteners are currently learning about farms. This particular month’s CPT suggests the students “research farms on the Internet.” Huh, what? Kindergarteners? Many of whom are non-readers? Doing Internet research? On their own? Not happening!

I was back to the drawing board.

2) Reining in College Costs Higher-education costs are spiraling out of control, and quality leaves much to be desired. The surprising solution, argues a college president: online learning en BusinessWeek.

Even before the current economic downturn, the issue of cost had become the dominant public concern about American higher education. Over the past several decades, tuition has increased at a faster rate than inflation and faster than the growth in family incomes. Too many students graduate with staggering debt, leading many to avoid critical but low-income careers. The cost of attendance has discouraged many students from groups typically underrepresented in higher education from even thinking about going to college. In a global economy that is increasingly knowledge-based, reduced access to higher education is a problem because of its potential impact on economic growth and on the social and cultural well-being of this country.

3) Using Twitter for Role Plays en eLearn Magazine.

I've speculated about the use of blogging by Agatha Christie and Thomas Jefferson, but not about their use of twitter. I was fascinated to read What Lincoln Would Have Tweeted, not just to speculate further about how a person who did not have a technology available might have used it, but also for the description of TwHistory, a Web site that uses twitter for historical re-enactments.

Having conducted role plays online, twitter struck me as an ideal technology to employ. A teamwork skills training project I worked on used role plays to help emergency medical teams appreciate the knowledge, skills, and coordination required by jobs other than their own. Everyone was involved in the role plays; some students were assigned roles, and others were assigned the role of critic, all using synchronous technology.

4) Incentives and Disincentives for the Use of OpenCourseWare , un artículo de Anne M. Arendt and Brett E. Shelton de la Utah State University en IRRODL. Vol 10, No 5 (2009): Special Issue: Openness and the Future of Higher Education


This article examines Utah residents’ views of incentives and disincentives for the use of OpenCourseWare (OCW), and how they fit into the theoretical framework of perceived innovation attributes established by Rogers (1983). Rogers identified five categories of perceived innovation attributes: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. A survey instrument was developed using attributes that emerged from a Delphi technique with input from experts in the OCW field. The survey instrument was sent to 753 random individuals between 18 and 64 years of age throughout Utah.

Results indicated that the greatest incentives for OCW use were the following: (a) no cost for materials, (b) resources available at any time, (c) pursuing in depth a topic that interests me, (d) learning for personal knowledge or enjoyment, and (e) materials in an OCW are fairly easy to access and find. The greatest disincentives for OCW use were the following: a) no certificate or degree awarded, (b) does not cover my topic of interest in the depth I desire, (c) a lack of professional support provided by subject tutors or experts, (d) a lack of guidance provided by support specialists, and (e) the feeling that the material is overwhelming. The authors recommend that institutions work to transition some OCW users into degree-granting paid programs as well as adopt a marketing campaign to increase awareness of OCW. Additionally, OCW websites should make their content available to recommendation engines such as ccLearn DiscoverEd, OCW Finder, or OER Recommender and should reciprocally link to one or more of these sites.

Keywords: OpenCourseWare; open educational resources

5) approbo... una herramienta online que compara tus documentos con los contenidos de internet. Sube tus documentos y compara cuantas similitudes hay en todo el mundo.
Una herramienta propuesta por el Citilab..

Centre experimental de convergència entre la nova generació d'Internet i la nova generació de projectes de la Societat del Coneixement.

El Citilab-Cornellà és un espai orientat a activar, impulsar i extendre la capacitat creativa i innovadora en tecnologia d'emprenedors, empreses, ciutadans i ciutadanes de la societat de la informació i el coneixement.

Citilab-Cornellà s'orienta a promoure projectes relacionats amb la Internet Social i fa especial atenció a treballar en l'evolució de nous espais, conceptes i metodologies relacionades amb l'impuls de la societat de la informació i la nova economica com són; telecentres, living labs i e-learning.

Per tant Citilab-Cornellà és:

  • un centre de divulgació i formació de les tecnologias TIC i els seus paradigmes de creació de coneixement i organització.
  • un centre d'investigació sobre tecnologiae TIC i sobre l'innovació social i empresarial que sobre elles cavalca.
  • un centre d'empreneduria per al desenvolupament d'empreses sorgides des dels coneixements generats a Citilab-Cornellà tant tecnològics com a organitzatius.

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