Entrepreneurship & Opportunity Around The World . Infografía

Entrepreneurship and Opportunity Around The World
Entrepreneurship Infographic By Promotional Codes

Aquí os traemos esta infografía sobre paises para emprender ... A strong entrepreneurial climate in which people can pursue new ideas
and opportunities for improving their lives can lead to a higher level
of income and wellbeing for all. In todays infographic we find out
exactly where those places are.

En este ranking España está en la posición número 28 ...  os vamos a dejar, además,  este enlasito a The 23 Best Countries for Work-Life Balance (We Are Number 23)
en el que España aparece en el lugar 22  me pregunto en que lugar estaríamos si no estuvieramos rodeado de tanta corrupción ... por qué no echamos a los gorfos al mar de una vez !!!!¿??????
... 22 :: SPAINKey stat: "Female employment in Spain is still below the OECD average (59.6%); 75% of mothers go back to work only 8 years after childbirth."

Employees working very long hours: 7%

Employment rate of women with children: 57%

Time devoted to leisure and personal care: 15.7 hours

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Fuente: [promotionalcodes]