Nominated for the Edublog Awards 08

E|FL20 is a finalist for the Edublog Awards under Best Individual Blog category.

Just a couple of things -before asking for your vote ;)-:

  • I’d like to thank the fellow bloggers who nominated my work here (e.g. a great fellow blogger, whose blogs deserve a tangible award too: Nik Peachey).
  • I’m bemused. Since I was kid, I’ve always been avoiding contests and the like, can’t say exactly why but a shrink could, I guess. It wasn’t really because I don’t like competition, because I do. I’ve always competed against myself, as constructive dynamics. Anyway, this blog is nominated so it seems I have to play the game! ;)
  • I feel incredibly honored to be nominated with other fellow bloggers I follow and admire.
  • And now I know some other blogs I didn’t know before and I want to follow.
  • I say ‘tangible’ awards because every time I check the visitors counter or, rather, I see that readers like you have decided to engage in a conversation with me/us by leaving a comment…I feel awarded.

So if you feel this blog deserves your vote, you can cast it here. I’m really grateful, thank you very much and congratulations to all the other nominees under this and other categories. I’d encourage you to take some time to visit the finalists in 16 different categories and cast your votes.

PS1:There’s an ongoing debate on the Eddies (i.e. The Edublog Awards) and on awards, in general. You can read more here:

PS2:The solitude of the long-distance blogger and the white space (i.e. the white ‘post’ - ‘page’)