Conferencia internacional "Free Knowledge, Free Technology, Education for a free information society"

Conversando con Wouter Tebbens (1), me entero que el proyecto SELF (2) organiza su primera conferencia internacional "Free Knowledge, Free Technology, Education for a free information society" (3) a celebrarse del 15 al 17 de julio de  2008 en Barcelona, España.

Pego aquí su convocatoria

"Free Knowledge, Free Technology. Education for a free information society
First International Conference, July 15-17, 2008, Barcelona, Spain

The Free Knowledge, Free Technology Conference (FKFT) is the first international event which will centre on the production and sharing of educational and training materials in the field of Free Software and Open Standards. With the objective of promoting Free Software and the sharing of free knowledge, the FKFT 2008 Conference will bring together hundreds of people from different continents including government representatives, school and university teachers, IT companies, publishers, and NGO's. By gathering together people from all these groups, we aim to stimulate both present and future collaboration between diverse disciplines, sectors and countries, through the medium of free software programs and the sharing of successful experiences related to free software and free technologies.

The SELF Project organise the content of the conference and aims to build strong relationships between attendees. The programme consists of an elegant mix between keynote speakers, panel discussions and parallel tracks on topics such as Social implications of Free Knowledge and Free Technologies, Technological aspects of e-learning, Learning Standards, Free Software in society, Legal issues of Free Knowledge, Free Knowledge in public bodies, the SELF Platform, and many more. During the social evening the Award Ceremony of the SELF Open Documentary Contest will take place.

Registration is now open!"

(1) Ponente en el encuentro en línea EDUSOL 2007 y coordinador del proyecto SELF