Mirth 1.8 Released!


We are happy to announce the release of Mirth 1.8! This is a major release and a project milestone including hundreds of new features, fixes and improvements.

Mirth 1.8 includes many critical message processing fixes and is a recommended upgrade. Mirth 1.8 can be installed by downloading the appropriate package for your operating system. Note that Java 1.5 is required. Java 1.6 can be used, however it is not recommended nor supported.


1. Download Installer
2. Windows: Run setup.exe and follow setup instructions. If installed as a service, Mirth will be started immediately
3. OS X: Unzip and run setup app. After Mirth is installed, navigate to the Mirth install directory in Terminal.app and run "chmod +x mirth.sh" then "./mirth.sh".
4. Linux: Refer to readme in archive.
5. Launch administrator by going to  http://localhost:8080


We have designed Mirth 1.8 to upgrade old versions seamlessly.You can install Mirth 1.8 directly on top of Mirth 1.5 or higher. Your database and channels will be updated automatically when you first start Mirth 1.8. Of course, we recommend you make a backup of all channels and settings before performing an upgrade. 

Channels from Mirth 1.5 and above can be imported with the import converter in Mirth 1.8. Older channels might work, however behavior is not guaranteed. Note that certain channel elements have changed, so imported channels should be fully tested in Mirth 1.8 before being used in production.

Release Notes - Mirth - Version 1.8.0


  • [MIRTH-218] - Check if line seperators work with all encodings in DocumentSerializer
  • [MIRTH-696] - Statistics bug - number of queued messages
  • [MIRTH-713] - Exceptions thrown on Administrator startup via webstart are not displayed
  • [MIRTH-726] - When Mirth times out waiting for an HL7 ack it should always retry sending the message if persistent queueing is turned on.
  • [MIRTH-742] - Pasting rn into a JEditTextArea turns it into a n.
  • [MIRTH-749] - Sending message with certain error in transformer cause nothing to be updated in message browser/dashboard
  • [MIRTH-750] - Extensions need to be updated for the current version when you are upgrading
  • [MIRTH-751] - Port field allows characters other than numbers.
  • [MIRTH-764] - "URI has an authority component" error installing from UNC path
  • [MIRTH-777] - Milliseconds are not displaying/storing for messages when using MySQL.
  • [MIRTH-779] - Mirth reprocesses messages in the reverse order of when they were received
  • [MIRTH-786] - Send messages order
  • [MIRTH-797] - Remove durable and client ID fields from JMS Writer
  • [MIRTH-806] - Only ER7 is allowed for the LLP channel
  • [MIRTH-814] - Fie-based connectors has problems reading files with different encodings
  • [MIRTH-819] - side-effect in SOAP listener
  • [MIRTH-826] - Setting inbound datatype to XML after saving channel does not work properly
  • [MIRTH-828] - LLP Receiver disconnects on a error on the source transformer
  • [MIRTH-830] - LLP Sender: Wrong error message when connection lost while sending
  • [MIRTH-831] - Text in HL7 can cause a MirthJavascriptTransformerException if it resembles an xml tag.
  • [MIRTH-836] - Internal oracle db problem
  • [MIRTH-838] - Cannot have a comment as the last line of a JavaScript Filter
  • [MIRTH-852] - Removing a queued message should decrease the channel's queued message count
  • [MIRTH-854] - Channel Writer uses ID rather than name for dropdown lookup
  • [MIRTH-857] - The MLLP Outgoing queues doesn't stop if the channel is stopped
  • [MIRTH-861] - SOAP Listener is not internationalized
  • [MIRTH-862] - Parser hang system with medium-complex SQL sentences
  • [MIRTH-864] - improve behavior and/or error message when using Move-to Directory to a different filesystem
  • [MIRTH-865] - HTTPS Response not being populated when responding with "none"
  • [MIRTH-866] - Make HTTPS store fields required or handle properly if they are blank
  • [MIRTH-867] - Remove automatic carriage return and line feed replacement
  • [MIRTH-868] - Error starting service using installer
  • [MIRTH-869] - Shortcut to uninstaller does not work in Windows Vista
  • [MIRTH-870] - interrupted schema migration results in unusable application, requiring human intervention
  • [MIRTH-872] - Email sender allways tries to authenticate, and doesn't honor the "Requiere authentication" check box in the settings pannel
  • [MIRTH-873] - Mirth launch an exception if the body template of an Mail Alert is void
  • [MIRTH-882] - Prevent dialog boxes from appearing behind main panel
  • [MIRTH-888] - File Writers using method file ignore any drive specifier in the directory.
  • [MIRTH-892] - Can not use variables in smtp from property
  • [MIRTH-893] - UUID variable does not work in JavaScript
  • [MIRTH-895] - Channel destinations are not always executing in order for synchronized channels
  • [MIRTH-896] - Issues with the Find/Replace feature.
  • [MIRTH-897] - Commented channelMap.put variables on source appearing as available in destination
  • [MIRTH-900] - CreateSegmentAfter JS function does not work as expected
  • [MIRTH-901] - Actions happen before the table is created: RE: mysql.sql file
  • [MIRTH-902] - SOAP Sender "get methods" button disables "save" button.
  • [MIRTH-904] - channelId yields different result
  • [MIRTH-905] - Server log crashes when many threads logging to it at once
  • [MIRTH-906] - Should not be able to use queuing with Keep Connection Open on LLP connector
  • [MIRTH-909] - Response not working for TCP connector
  • [MIRTH-915] - CreateDatabaseConnection should have option for "shutdown" parameter
  • [MIRTH-917] - SFTP Reader Not Writing to assigned directory
  • [MIRTH-918] - MLLP Receiver removes last end of segment character
  • [MIRTH-919] - Transformer is not run if everything is empty besides the outbound template
  • [MIRTH-921] - Reimplement move-to error for file/ftp/sftp connectors
  • [MIRTH-924] - JS reference drag and drop on destinations does not work
  • [MIRTH-926] - TCP listener doesn't send response back
  • [MIRTH-928] - Keep first login setting after upgrade
  • [MIRTH-929] - Need a way for plugins to register their own create/delta scripts
  • [MIRTH-933] - Linux installer for 1.8 attempts to use cmd.exe
  • [MIRTH-934] - Pasting a bad template in DICOM template gives an exception instead of a nice error message
  • [MIRTH-935] - Saving a channel over one that has been modified by another client does not prompt you
  • [MIRTH-937] - Missing classes/bad classpath in 1.8 RC
  • [MIRTH-939] - Searching messages for dbs other than postgres is broken
  • [MIRTH-940] - Custom ACK not returned with Strick Validation OFF. (Only works with Strick Validation ON)
  • [MIRTH-941] - Channel Writer should return success message
  • [MIRTH-944] - Connection refused: Connect error pops up and kills the client after connection has been open for a while
  • [MIRTH-946] - Process HL7 Ack Response option cannot be turned off in LLP Sender
  • [MIRTH-947] - Reference "put" commands have incorrect parameter order
  • [MIRTH-950] - Upgrade does not let you run Mirth Server Manager
  • [MIRTH-952] - If Mirth (jetty) fails to start, all buttons on the server manager are still gray
  • [MIRTH-954] - File Reader doesn't throw an error trying to process batch if there's no batch adaptor.
  • [MIRTH-955] - The Mirth Manager is not added to startup in Windows Vista.
  • [MIRTH-958] - Alert Overload for NACK timeouts (at MLLP Dispatcher)
  • [MIRTH-959] - Cannot upload extensions to install them when running Mirth as a Service in Vista
  • [MIRTH-962] - Delete Mirth directory on uninstall
  • [MIRTH-964] - Add shutdown hook for Server Manager so that it does not hang the OS on shutdown
  • [MIRTH-965] - Importing channel with same name creates duplicate channel
  • [MIRTH-966] - No service buttons available in server manager on none english windows systems
  • [MIRTH-968] - Start Mirth on windows startup doesend work for german systems
  • [MIRTH-969] - Search for messages does not work on SQL Server 2005 (german version)
  • [MIRTH-970] - Final page actions to not execute in unattended mode
  • [MIRTH-971] - Make number of days before pruning messages integers only and required
  • [MIRTH-972] - Message Pruner setting in the Channel Summary allows 'null' number of days value.
  • [MIRTH-979] - Add code templates to DB and JS Connector and Postprocessor
  • [MIRTH-980] - Send alert if HTTP connector returns status 500
  • [MIRTH-982] - Reprocessing with a disabled destination doesn't work
  • [MIRTH-985] - Mirth 1.8 RC3 - could not prune message database
  • [MIRTH-988] - SFTP Move To Functionality Is Now Broken
  • [MIRTH-989] - Use of outdated mysql driver
  • [MIRTH-991] - Mirth crashes on upgrade with old queued messages
  • [MIRTH-998] - Batch processing delimiter only works with r
  • [MIRTH-1000] - Mirth Server Manager: Start Mirth Server Manager on Windows Start Up Checkbox does not save its state.
  • [MIRTH-1003] - Fix dashboard status refresh bug causing client slowdown with large configurations.
  • [MIRTH-1005] - Generated Inbound template from DB Reader keeps Upper/Lower Case while resulting message is all lower.
  • [MIRTH-1007] - DICOM SCP Connector does not process multiple destinations.
  • [MIRTH-1008] - DICOM SCP Connector loses settings in GUI when clicking through destinations.
  • [MIRTH-1011] - File Reader doesn't handle non-ascii characters running in OS with non UTF-8 default encoding
  • [MIRTH-1014] - Can not connect to non-localhost system with JMS connector


  • [MIRTH-636] - Have alert count on dashboard
  • [MIRTH-643] - Suspect Java Version dependencies of Mirth 1.6.1
  • [MIRTH-673] - Consistency Check
  • [MIRTH-735] - Send messages order
  • [MIRTH-737] - Insert a delay between queued messages
  • [MIRTH-740] - Update HTTP connector to support PUT, DELETE, etc.
  • [MIRTH-744] - Renaming a channel breaks link between Channel writer destinations
  • [MIRTH-782] - Dashboard log does not show connection attempts
  • [MIRTH-816] - Implement connection pooling on JDBC reader
  • [MIRTH-832] - To add an option to execute any SQL statement before Data Reader (even stored procedure)
  • [MIRTH-834] - Channel Writer Connector - Channel Name Dropdown - Sort the Channel Names in alpha-numeric order.
  • [MIRTH-839] - Improve search fields in dashboard(channel) view
  • [MIRTH-846] - Add ability to soirt source filter values
  • [MIRTH-851] - Additional message pruning options
  • [MIRTH-856] - All Throwables generated in JS Reader/Writer should be caught
  • [MIRTH-871] - Provide more detail in the Mappings when messages become queued.
  • [MIRTH-875] - Import configuration should not remove channels if channel already exists
  • [MIRTH-876] - Update CLI to have import/export of alerts and code templates
  • [MIRTH-880] - Update SOAP Sender panel to use new invokeConnectorService method
  • [MIRTH-887] - Need the ability to resend a message to a single destination that's bound to a channel that has multiple destinations.
  • [MIRTH-890] - Support LIKE for Message Browser Advanced Search Filter
  • [MIRTH-898] - Add Support for SSL for Alerts.
  • [MIRTH-899] - Add SSL support to Email sender
  • [MIRTH-907] - Make filter rule and transformer step lists sortable
  • [MIRTH-908] - Add save framework for plugins
  • [MIRTH-910] - Implement the plugin panel save framework into the Extension Manager
  • [MIRTH-911] - Implement the plugin panel save framework into the Message Pruner
  • [MIRTH-914] - Show Mirth version in Manager
  • [MIRTH-916] - Extensions should be in their own folders
  • [MIRTH-925] - Add PUT/DELETE support to HTTPS connector
  • [MIRTH-930] - Change the help links in Mirth to point to the new wiki.
  • [MIRTH-932] - Throw specific error when using reserved names in queries
  • [MIRTH-938] - Improve database pruning
  • [MIRTH-943] - Add DEL shortcut key for steps, rules, and destinations
  • [MIRTH-945] - Add HTML support to Email Sender
  • [MIRTH-953] - variable jndiDestinations never change its false value (JMS Channel)
  • [MIRTH-956] - When an endpoint is cofigured as queued, it should send an alert if the receiver systems is down for a long time
  • [MIRTH-957] - Add Sybase Adaptive Server Anywere 9 into the Database Type drop down list.
  • [MIRTH-963] - Display the channel ID on the channels table.
  • [MIRTH-967] - Visualise in Administrator if there is a filter/transformer defined
  • [MIRTH-973] - Clean up the transformer and filter panes to use the main task pane container rather than having their own.
  • [MIRTH-974] - Improve SOAP Listener connector to support user-specified service URL.
  • [MIRTH-975] - WSDL in SOAP Sender
  • [MIRTH-977] - Allow date formatting in Alerts.
  • [MIRTH-981] - $payload variable should be in the UI.
  • [MIRTH-984] - Check extension version on install and update extension versions for 1.8.0.
  • [MIRTH-986] - Add ability to vacuum database tables after removes.
  • [MIRTH-992] - Show warning to clear queued messages when upgrading
  • [MIRTH-993] - Allow relative paths in FTP and SFTP connectors
  • [MIRTH-994] - JMX Port Configuration
  • [MIRTH-997] - Provide friendly error if a port Mirth requires is already in use.
  • [MIRTH-1006] - Responses from destination connectors should have payloads

New Feature

  • [MIRTH-427] - Add ability to wait for processing before shutting down Mirth
  • [MIRTH-443] - Add CSV protocol
  • [MIRTH-495] - Create database on startup if doesn't exist
  • [MIRTH-610] - Shell scripting and error handling
  • [MIRTH-645] - Add HTTPS Listener and HTTPS Sender
  • [MIRTH-656] - Test connection button for SQL endpoints (and for other such as (s)ftp, smtp, ....)
  • [MIRTH-663] - Add Log Tab to display logger.info() messages
  • [MIRTH-718] - Add the ability to get the headers and status code from the response to an HTTP Sender request.
  • [MIRTH-733] - http send xml command to allow url-enconding for outgoing payload
  • [MIRTH-761] - Add way to import transformer steps and filter rules with the option of appending to your current transformer or filter
  • [MIRTH-769] - Database Reader should allow encoding entities
  • [MIRTH-772] - Add ability to convert RTF to ASCII (Plain Text) and/or vice versa.
  • [MIRTH-787] - Add a way to dynamically get the channel name in JavaScript
  • [MIRTH-840] - Add ability to tab through form fields on transformer steps
  • [MIRTH-842] - Add XSLT transformer support
  • [MIRTH-843] - Update Administrator help links to point to reference guide
  • [MIRTH-844] - Add a Report Bug task to the Administrator
  • [MIRTH-845] - Add external script transformer step
  • [MIRTH-847] - Removing queued message should remove its associated queuestore file
  • [MIRTH-849] - Add ability to export just encoded data to a text file
  • [MIRTH-850] - Add ability to reprocess a message to a specific destination
  • [MIRTH-853] - Add option for rotating queue on LLP sender
  • [MIRTH-855] - Ability to invoke server methods from connector panels
  • [MIRTH-860] - Mirth should allow to save the "running" state of channels
  • [MIRTH-874] - Add "channelName" to the template for email alert
  • [MIRTH-878] - Add network share authentication support to File Reader/Writer
  • [MIRTH-879] - Add ability to list database tables and columns on the Database Reader
  • [MIRTH-881] - Notify of new updates to Mirth and extensions
  • [MIRTH-883] - Add ability to configure the first Mirth user on first login to the server.
  • [MIRTH-884] - Enable send message feature for stopped channels
  • [MIRTH-885] - Enable queuing to VM Receiver on stopped channels
  • [MIRTH-889] - Expose a queuing API in channel so user can do custom logic in the scripts
  • [MIRTH-891] - Add a method and a param to the constructor to set the HTTP Timeout for the client-core
  • [MIRTH-894] - Add ability to reprocess and replace original messages instead of adding a new one
  • [MIRTH-903] - Migration Controller should create DB described in SQL Properties file if it doesn't exist
  • [MIRTH-912] - Add ability to remove extensions
  • [MIRTH-913] - Add login timeout option to database connector
  • [MIRTH-920] - Please add tool tips to each field on the connectors via the form in netbeans
  • [MIRTH-942] - Add attachment support to email sender
  • [MIRTH-951] - Need queuing/retry count on the email sender
  • [MIRTH-960] - Add option to enable or disable Mirth on Windows startup
  • [MIRTH-987] - Export/Import for connectors (source and destination)
  • [MIRTH-990] - Add ability to change Mirth's JMX port in the Server Manager
  • [MIRTH-995] - Allow users to specify the 3 ports they will use for Mirth during the install.
  • [MIRTH-999] - Add optional updates to the Mirth update system
  • [MIRTH-1001] - Add option to use SSL or TLS for SMTP connection
  • [MIRTH-1002] - Add TLS and SSL to Email Sender
  • [MIRTH-1004] - JDBC Receiver should keep trying to reconnect under an error with db connection
  • [MIRTH-1009] - Add function to copy XML element and preserve attributes
  • [MIRTH-1010] - Add ability to export and import connectors
  • [MIRTH-1012] - Add ability to test server connections from connector panels


  • [MIRTH-114] - Update Wiki User Guide
  • [MIRTH-395] - Update Mirth User Guide PDF
  • [MIRTH-858] - Errors activating Connection Monitor plugin
  • [MIRTH-948] - SoapSender Stripping out Carriage Returns