Call for Papers de #eLearning2012 . Third International Conference on #elearning

Hoy traemos a este espacio el Call For Papers de  eLearning2012 . the Third International Conference on e-learning:

This annual conference serves as international
forum for researches, developers and educators to discuss about
technology, innovation and best practices in e-learning, distance
education and new learning opportunities. This year, the eLearning-2012
conference will pay special attention to all aspects of quality
assurance in e-learning and accreditation issues in higher education
sector as well as other sectors. The conference covers technical and
non-technical issues for this type of education.

Selected papers from conference will be published in International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning - iJET

The Conference Chair: Professor  Dragan Domazet, rector of BMU

Submission of papers

Authors are invited to submit their full papers electronically to the  eLearning-2012 Secretariat by 31st of August 2011:

Full papers are accepted for review on the condition that the
manuscript is original, has not been published before, has not been
presented at a conference, and has not been submitted for presentation
at another conference. The full papers will be reviewed  and accepted
papers will be include in the eLearning-2012 Proceedings which will be
published in hard-back and CD and issued to delegates at the
eLearning-2012 Conference. The paper should include the following
information: Name(s) of author(s), The corresponding author, Position or
job title, Organisation(s), Full postal address(es) Phone, fax numbers
and E-mail, Paper title, Summary, Key words (maximum three),
Introduction, Paper manuscript, References. It should be prepared
according to the instructions and template issued separately.

Template and instructions for writing a paper

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Fuente: [eLearning2012]