Blackboard Launches Blackboard Analytics, a New Solution for Data Analytics in Education

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 Hoy traemos a este espacio la noticia de la que hemos tenido conocimiento por el post titulado "Learning Analytics / Parte #3, Un caso: Blackboard Analytics" del blog de Marcello Rinaldi sobre el lanzamiento en Europa de Blackboard Analytics, que ya se comercializaba en USA desde 2011, como se puede apreciar en su nota de prensa...

Blackboard Launches Blackboard Analytics, a New Solution for Data Analytics in Education

Platform Supports Data-Driven Decision Making Across the Institution

WASHINGTON, Feb. 8, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ --

Blackboard Inc. (Nasdaq: BBBB) today opened a major focus in data
analytics with the launch of a business intelligence solution for
higher education and a commitment to accelerating innovation to help
them make better use of data to inform important decisions across the
The Company's newest platform offering, Blackboard Analytics(TM),
is a suite of applications that supports leaders with deeper insight
into their institutional performance and analytical dashboard
applications to help them view progress against goals in real time. The
platform maps to the most common data sources on campus, integrating
with the leading student information, human resources and financial
In contrast to typical data warehousing projects which can be
expensive, time consuming and risky, Blackboard Analytics can be
implemented in a matter of weeks to help institutions quickly and
cost-effectively turn complex data into actionable information. As a
result, leaders can better understand and improve performance in areas
including student enrollment and retention, financial aid, institutional
financial performance and fundraising and human resources. (...)

Blackboard AnalyticsPlay Media
Watch an introduction to Blackboard Analytics.HoyBlackboard Analytics

y después del extracto de la nota de prensa ... os dejamos con la presentación de como nos lo muestran en su web .... is a pre-packaged data warehousing and analytics
system. It comes complete with robust data models, reports and
dashboards – all the tools you need to enable implementation in weeks,
not years. And, it comes with built-in data integration with leading
ERP systems, including solutions from Oracle (PeopleSoft), Datatel, Inc.
and SunGard Higher Education.
We understand the critical success factors and metrics in Higher
Education. We support the data-informed decision making needs of campus
leaders: enrollment management, academic planning, financial management,
human resources and more. Promoting student success. Advancing the
mission of your institution with actionable information. And letting you
customize our framework for your unique needs. (leer más...)

 Fuente: [Blackboard & Marcello Rinaldi]