ampliación para abstracts del EADTU 25th ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE 2012

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Hoy traemos a este espacio la noticia de la ampliación para abstract del EADTU ... y de camino información por el evento ...

The submission deadline for abstracts has been extended until 1st June 2012.
Web-publication of acceptance is planned for the 14th of June.


Submission of abstracts: 14 May 1 June 2012

Web-publication of acceptance: 4 June 14 June 2012

Full paper deadline*: 20 August 2012

Submit your abstract to
Find our format specifications here.


’The role of open and flexible education in European higher education systems for 2020: new models, new markets, new media’’ 

The Open University of Cyprus will be hosting EADTU's Annual
Conference in Paphos, on 27-28 th September 2012, under the EU
Presidency of Cyprus.

This years' scope

Educational models are changing increasingly. More universities are
embracing open and flexible learning and as a consequence, the creation
of international student markets is becoming a reality. Formal learning
nowadays becomes integrated with non-/informal learning and educational
innovation is now  both financially, technology and socially driven.
Worldwide there is an awareness of the emerging role of open education
en open educational resources  to support educational transformation.
For example, by offering better quality education to significantly
larger numbers of students.
The role of open and flexible learning is becoming more important for these new models, new markets and new media.

This is the scope of EADTU’s 25th Anniversary conference under the EU-Presidency of Cyprus in which we address topics like:

  • how open and flexible education is organised as an organic part of European higher education systems
  • implementing new organisational and educational models within
    frontrunner institutions, capitalizing on new opportunities created by
    ICT in education
  • meeting new markets and learning needs, i.e. at the postgraduate
    level or related to knowledge alliances with the public and private
    sector, on top of the mission of widening participation
  • developing open media like open educational resources, YouTube, ITunes U, broadcasting as platforms for open knowledge sharing
  • developing European open and flexible higher education in a 2020 perspective

The Conference will in this context present most recent results of
task forces and projects with regard to quality assurance in e-learning
(presentation of the new version of the e-xcellence guidelines,
including criteria for the quality of OER and social media, networked
curricula involving strategic partnerships between universities
(presentation of guidelines for networked programmes, a compendium of
good practices, a toolbox for inter-institutional collaboration), on
line or virtual mobility (a portal to support mobility, in the
perspective of the new Erasmus for All programme), knowledge sharing
with business (interfaces to meet the needs of the private and public
sector; training for entrepreneurship in starting companies), etc.

This years' themes 

  • Open media
  • New markets
  • Networked Curricula: University Curricula and Academic Networks
  • Virtual mobility
  • Open Educational Resources
  • University strategies and business models
  • University-business cooperation, knowledge circulation, entrepreneurship, virtual interfaces
  • Quality Assurance in e-Learning

About OUC 

As of the academic year 2011-2012, the
Open University of Cyprus (OUC), the country’s second state university,
has an enrolment of over 2500 students and has already developed ten,
dynamic Study Courses. Aiming to become an attractive, regional,
educational institution, the Open University of Cyprus actively
participates in university networks and international organisations. 
This initiative encourages the exchange of views on higher education and
research at the European and international level. By participating in
these networks, OUC promotes policy positions relating to lifelong
learning and the development of distance education and establishes
partnerships for the exchange of academic staff, administrative
personnel and students with other universities, members of the networks.

About CyprusmapofcyprusSmall
Cyprus is the third largest island in
the Mediterranean. With a history over 10,000 years, the island has seen
civilizations come and go and the likes of everyone from Alexander the
Great to Cleopatra stake their claim here. Aphrodite made her home on
Cyprus and travelers throughout antiquity came here just to pay her

Today Cyprus is a modern country that combines European culture
with ancient enchantment. One of the benefits of being a Mediterranean
island is the plentiful sunshine throughout the years. In fact, Cyprus
epitomizes the ideal weather of the region with sunny days and fine
temperatures almost every day. Extremes of temperatures are rare,
meaning Cyprus has something to offer every month of the year, whether
it's swimming (as late as November) or enjoying cultural sites and
festivals (all year long).

Despite its small size, Cyprus has been at the crossroads of
history for millennia. The island's strategic location has been a major
factor in shaping its history throughout the centuries and, in recent
years, its development into a centre for international business. World
academic and scientific associations and organisations find that its
location is no less strategic today - add to that, its unique
combination of world class hotels, resorts and Mediterranean charm you
have the perfect setting for holding productive meetings and conferences
in a relaxed environment.

Aquí tienen el programa:

EADTU's 25th Annual Conference 27-28 September 2012 - Paphos, CYPRUS
The role of open and flexible education in European higher education systems for 2020: New Models, New Markets, New Media

Wednesday 26 September 2012
Optional on individual base: Paphos Town 

Programme of Wednesday 26 September 2012
09:00 - 12:30 General Board Meeting (invitation only)
13:30 - 15:00 EADTU Task Force Strategies and Policies (invitation only)
15:00 - 19:00 Social Event: Paphos Town - half day excursion
(Optional on individual base for conference participants)
20:00 General Board dinner (invitation only)

Programme of Thursday 27 September 2012
08:00 - 09:30 Registration
09:30 - 11:00 Opening session
Welcome by the Open University of Cyprus
Prof. Costas Christou, President of the Governing Board
Welcome by Minister of Education

Welcome by EADTU
Mr. Will Swann (OUUK), President EADTU
Open University Cyprus
Mr. Stathis Mavrotheris, Head of Department of Information and Communication Technologies
European Union Framework
Ms. Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism, Youth and Sport (TBC)
Presidential Address
Main activities 2012 and the conference theme 2012
Mr. Will Swann (OUUK), President EADTU
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 - 13:00 Plenary session
Keynote speaker - The integration of open and flexible education in European higher education systems; New Markets, New Media, New Models
Mr. Gard Titlestad, Secretary General International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)

Panel presentation - the UNESCO chairs in OER
Mr. Rory McGreal, Athabasca University
Mr. Fred Mulder, strategic full Professorship at the Open University in the Netherlands
Keynote speaker - Networked Curricula and Virtual Mobility; launch of the NetCu Guidelines
Mr. Fred Truyen, Professor at KU Leuven
Keynote speaker - Studyportals; launch of the European ODL-portal
Mr. Joran van Aart, Director of Student Value at StudyPortals
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 16:00 Parallel sessions
Open Media New Markets Networked Curricula
University Curricula & Academic Networks
Virtual Mobility

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 - 18:00 Parallel sessions
Open Educational Resources University Strategies and Business Models University-Business Cooperation, knowledge, circulation, entrepeneurship, virtual interfaces Quality Assurance in e-Learning
19:30 - 22:30 Conference Dinner

Programme of Friday 28 September 2012
09:00 - 11:00 Parallel sessions
Open Media New Markets Networked Curricula
University Curricula & Academic Networks
Virtual Mobility
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 - 13:30 Parallel sessions
Open Educational Resources University Strategies and Business Models University-Business Cooperation, knowledge, circulation, entrepeneurship, virtual interfaces Quality Assurance in e-Learning
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 16:00 Closing session, chaired by Prof. Yiannis Ioannou, Vice President of the Governing Board

Keynote speaker - University Business Cooperation and Knowledge sharing
Mr. Daniel Torres, Director General at CSEV
Keynote speaker - Turning the University upside down; actions for the near future
Mrs. Imma Turbella, Rector Open University of Catalonia (UOC)
Keynote speaker - Quality Assurance; UNESCO Global TF QA in e-learning
Ms. Zeynep Varoglu, Programme Specialist, ICT in Education at UNESCO
Launch of the new E-xcellence manual for QA in e-learning
Mr. Keith Williams, Director, eSTEeM (Maths Computing and Technology)

Mr. George Ubachs, Managing Director EADTU

QA in Europe
Mrs. Helka Kekäläinen, PhD, Secretary General of Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council, FINHEEC, Vice-President of ENQA
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 - 17:30 Conference Panel Session
Mr. Thanasis Hadzilacos (OUC), Mrs. Helka Kekäläinen (ENQA), Ms. Zeynep Varoglu (UNESCO), Mrs. Imma Turbella (UOC)
Presidential presentation of the Message of Paphos
Mr. Will Swann (OUUK), President of EADTU
Announcement EADTU Conference 2013 in Paris/France
Mr. Jacques Carpentier, President of FIED (FR)
17:30 Closing
Mr. Costas Prokopiou, Vice-chairman of the Governing Board OUC

Farewell drink

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Programme of Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th September 2012 - Social events
29th of September 2012
  • Nicosia Day Tour - full day excursion
  • Troodos & Kykkos Monastery - full day excursion
30th of September 2012
  • Boat Trip - full day excursion


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