Abierta la inscripcion para los e-Inclusion awards 2012

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La carrera empieza para los campeones locales de la inclusión
digital de europa - Abierta la inscripcion para los e-Inclusion awards

Todo el mundo tiene acceso a Internet, ¿verdad? Falso, casi una
cuarta parte de los europeos de más de 16 años nunca ha utilizado
Internet! Si has ayudado a otras personas a descubrir el mundo online a
través de un proyecto, servicio o producto, queremos saber de ti y de
las ventajas que ha supuesto.

Así nos lo anuncian en la nota de prensa:


Everyone’s online right? Wrong, almost a quarter of Europeans aged 16 and over have never used the internet![i] If
you’ve supported other people to get online through a project, service
or product, we want to hear about it and the benefits it has provided.

Established by the European Commission, the e-Inclusion Awards is on a
mission to discover and celebrate the most innovative ways of plugging
the digital gap and helping people to enjoy the benefits of the
Aimed at inspiring individuals, businesses, entrepreneurs, NGOs and
governments the Awards reward those championing the way forward and
exploiting the potential of technology in dealing with today’s

With almost a quarter of Europeans remaining offline, growth of the
digital economy will be stunted as will access to the benefits achieved
from access to online facilities.
Europe’s Digital Agenda includes a vision of ‘Every European Digital’
in which all people truly benefit from technology innovations,
improving their well-being throughout their lifetime and contributing to
economic recovery. For individuals, the sense of achievement,
empowerment and connection can be priceless!
Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, comments: “Investment
in ICT capital pays off. In fact, it pays off better than most other
forms of capital investment: the “ICT dividend” amounts to an extra
return of around 7%, but only when accompanied by investment in
intangible capital – that is, investment in people, in skills, in
digital literacy. (...)

Neelie Kroes - Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda

About the 2012 awards

The European Commission established the e-Inclusion Awards to raise
awareness, encourage participation and recognise excellence and good
practice in using ICT and digital technology to tackle social and
digital exclusion across Europe. We want to collect all the great
practice across Europe in supporting people to go online and the stories
of individuals who have benefitted from their internet experience.
These awards will collect information about impact through an
application form. We are also asking for audio visual materials that
express your successes – stories told on blogs, videos, Facebook,
Twitter, etc.
This year, the e-Inclusion Awards have two categories, with two types of winner for each categories:

I am Part of IT award

This award is for individuals who have felt significant benefit and
empowerment by becoming e-included. How digital literacy and skills has
lead to employability, re-skilling or a clear improvement in the socio-economic situation of a person at risk of social exclusion or isolation.

Winner A

Entries can come from individuals who want to tell their own story without the association of a project or organisation, OR…
Small and medium organisations: for those who are associated with a
project from smaller organisations (19 or less staff members or paid
full time equivalents)

Winner B

Larger organisations: for individuals that are associated with
projects from larger organisations (20 or more staff members or paid
full time equivalents)

Be Part of IT – Digital Inclusion Champions award

This award is for organisations (or individuals outside of
organisations) who champion e-inclusion by undertaking and supporting
relevant projects. This can include work such as training the trainer,
coordinating delivery of e-inclusion enabling improvements in access,
content, skills or confidence.

Winner A

Entries can come from individuals who want to tell their own story without the association of a project or organisation, OR…
Small and medium organisations: for those who are associated with a
project from smaller organisations (19 or less staff members or paid
full time equivalents)

Winner B

Larger organisations: for projects from larger organisations (20 or more staff members or paid full time equivalents).

Previous winners

The 2008 European e-Inclusion Awards recognised excellence and good
practice in using information, communication and digital technology to
address social and digital exclusion in Europe. Below is a list of
the 2008 winners for each category.

Langas | Ateiti
Langas | Ateiti

Digital Literacy – Langas | Ateiti – Lithuania

Window 2 Future was the outcome of public and private sectors joining
forces to create a program that would promote the development of an
information society for the future success of Lithuania. It started by
providing public information access points and stimulating the growth of
eservices nationwide, however it was the Computer Literacy Basics for a
Lithuanian ECitizen initiative that delivered the greatest results. It
has trained over 50,000 people in basic computer, Internet and
e-services skills.

Synscenter Refsnæs
Synscenter Refsnæs

e-Accessibility – Synscenter Refsnæs – Denmark

The Danish Centre for Visual Impairment has pioneered RoboBraille –
an email-based translation service that provides visually impaired users
with access to documents electronically. The aim of the project was to
create a simple, easy to use, centralised solution that converts
electronic documents into synthetic speech or Braille on demand. The
only skill a user needs in order to access the service is to be able to
send and receive e-mails. The service is free of charge to all
non-commercial users, making electronic documents widely accessible to
people with visual or reading impairments.

Kyyjärven Mediamyllarit ry
Kyyjärven Mediamyllarit ry

Geographic Inclusion – Kyyjärven Mediamyllarit ry – Finland

Nopola News is a local online news portal where news items are mainly
provided at a grassroots level by citizens of Kyyjärvi town and
surrounding areas. Approximately 10% of the town’s population
contributes to the online media articles; associations, societies,
businesses and individuals in the town also provide the news content
thus creating information chains that promote and strengthen
communalism. By providing a user friendly content management system and
training citizens in computer and Internet skills, local people are able
to create and publish online content themselves with basic computer

Sotiria Hospital
Sotiria Hospital

Inclusive Public Services – Sotiria Hospital e-Health Unit – Greece

The e-Health Unit at Sotiria Hospital has incorporated the use of ICT
into clinical practice to develop home and community-based, health and
social integrated care and chronic care management. Communications used
by patients or carers at the e-Health Unit include TV, real time video
and stationary or mobile, wearable devices, all which significantly
improve the quality of life for elderly and disadvantaged patients.

A-Clinic Foundation
A-Clinic Foundation

Marginalised Young People – A-Clinic Foundation – Finland

A-Clinic Foundation has used its Shadow World project to reach out to
11-15 year old Finnish youths suffering from parental substance misuse.
The organisation has created an interactive website to support a
Manga-style comic book that provides vulnerable and isolated children
knowledge about their options for seeking help. The young people are
also invited to join a ‘closed’ virtual network group moderated by
counsellors with the chance to use SMS messaging.

London Borough of Newham
London Borough of Newham

Ageing Well – London Borough of Newham – United Kingdom

The Newham Advanced Telecare (NeAT) and Whole System Demonstrator
(WSD) programmes implement the use of telecare and telehealth
technologies in elderly peoples’ homes. Telecare uses sensors which
monitor a person’s activities, connecting through to a control centre if
an alarm is triggered.Telehealth is delivered through a TV set top box;
guiding users through vital sign measurement, enquires about their
health, and provides education and training in self-care.

Milton Keynes Council
Milton Keynes Council

Cultural Diversity – Milton Keynes Council – United Kingdom

Milton Keynes Council is a UK local authority area with great
cultural diversity and significant social and digital deprivation
issues. The Connect MK / Digital MK projects were set up to help create a
digitally and socially inclusive modern city. A wide range of
initiatives include: introducing WiMAX wireless broadband to Milton
Keynes, loaning PCs at low cost, providing telehealth devices, improving
the accessibility of online public services and opening 15 Digital
Service Centres in areas of high deprivation.

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